✴ CHAPTER 16 ✴

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POV King:

"Aren't you tired?", I asked when we walked to the mall.

If I had my car then I would have driven us here but we had to take a taxi.

Today is an exciting day because the giants are not here with us. I don't hate them. I'm just afraid of them especially Boat (Thai name: Ro-rue). I thought it liked Ram and that's why he was jealous of me.

"Welcome", the voice brought my thoughts back to reality.

We are already a clothing store. Am I deep in thought for too long or are we going too fast?

"Currently, there is an agreement for clothes, buy one get one free," said the person.

I said nothing, waiting for A'Ning to speak.


I walked over to sit on the sofa. Since I am not the one who is here to buy so it will just leave him alone and choose clothes for himself.

He came up to me in two different shirts, one light pink and the other black.

"Which one should I buy or both?", He asked.

(T / F: Have you asked your husband for his opinion? Do you want to dress to impress?)

Well, black would look good on him.

"Are you only going to buy one?", I asked.

The pink ones are good too. If it were me then I would buy both, well, someone already bought one get a free deal at this shop.

"Right now pink doesn't suit my mind," he said.

"Buy pink, please," I replied.


"Wearing this color will lift your mood," I added.


"What is it?", I asked as he walked to the cash counter holding a shirt.

A'Ning is still confused. I was afraid he would take the black one but then I saw him take both shirts.

When he finished choosing clothes, they were all solid colors except for the one I asked her to buy. Well, one is better than nothing.

I don't want to see him stressed. I still remember his teary face.

When people cry in front of me, then I remember it well. I can't describe in words but I really don't like how I felt when I saw him cry.

"This one is cute", I said looking at the pajamas in the corner.

Not like proper pajamas but more of a cosplay costume. Cosplay Angry Bird !!!

The whole set is red and the top has angry bird's eyes and a sharp beak. The red one looks like the person next to me. he's always cold with his mouth shut tight like this bird, hahaha.

"So cute, looks like you hahaha", I ran over to put the set on Ram's body to check the size.

Their eyebrows look the same, forming a knot between them.


He looked at me as if to say, "I'm not going to buy it, put it back".

"I know you won't buy it so I'll buy it myself". I say.


"I bought it for myself", I lied.


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