✴ CHAPTER 14 ✴

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POV King:

He kept moving closer to me.

I wanted to move but there was a softness in her eyes so I couldn't do it. I looked down at my feet.

Now the gap between us is so small I can smell the cigarette from it ...

Smoke? Well I smoke too, but only when I'm really stressed and only one cigarette at a time. The last time I smoked was sometime in the previous year.


My cell phone started ringing and he paused and then sat back down on the wooden chair. His eyes stared at me as if he was scolding me internally. Why should you scold King Thep? Let me answer the phone first.


(Where are you? I'm right in front of the house. Open the door quickly.)


(No don't come, I will enter the house alone.)

"Wait .."

I didn't get a chance to refuse or accept because the other person said what she wanted to say and hung up on me.

What did she say? Is she here? Now? But my house is full of my friends ... and all men except one.

"Stand up and run fast," I said and ran really fast.

Even though Ram looked confused but he still followed. Why is he moving so slowly?

I am not afraid that my sister will be harassed by boys but I am more afraid of my friends who will be harassed by my sister.

I have to hurry. On the way back home, I saw Phu. I didn't stop playing with him because today the situation has changed. Thep's little brother is here !!

"Follow me", I said.

"Where?", He asked.

"Just do it," I added.

I didn't wait for the other party's reply and just grabbed his collar to make him follow me immediately.

No time! My crazy sister said she was going to enter the house alone.

I have to hide my friends before that, there are 8 of them. We have to move fast or I won't have time for that. Even though P'Kumfah will come any time now, it will still take some time to walk to the house.

Still have time to hide my friends.

" Where are we going? ", Asked Phu.

Erm, just follow me.

"Why are we running?", He added.

This kid talks too much. Look at A'Ning, haven't said a word and only followed me as soon as I asked her to.

Husband is better than others? Never mind, let's enter the house first, bang!

I swept my eyes across the living room and found my friends were all lined up and the one in the middle was my sister.

"Hi, Kantithat, I didn't know your friends would be here today. I just happened to be passing by and decided to come here", she said, trying to cover her evil smile with the back of her hand.

"Don't you have urgent work to do?", I asked.

"You have to go home and keep working," I added.

"No, not even if I have urgent work today, I will cancel it. Nong let's go and eat pork now", she replied.


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