✴ CHAPTER 21 ✴

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POV Ram:

My three best friends groaned sadly. They've been like this for a few days now. It's been 8 days since I last saw P'King. Just me and my best friends in the condo right now.

Sometimes they pretend to scare him but in reality they just want to play with him.

P'King would die if he was left with them.


Thing Thing Nj:

* attachment *

Ah, please send it to P'King too.


"Why can't you give it to him yourself?"

I know what she's trying to do. This is weird. She keeps complaining about not having a boyfriend and is busy trying to play matchmaker between the two boys.


Ram Vira:


Thing Thing Nj:

I won't send it to him, so it's up to you now whether he gets the photo or not.



We've been friends for a long time. I know how she is. If she says something then she will.

She told Me that she would not send this photo to P'King so there was no way she would send it to him.

Someone please tell her that no man wants a wife who is cunning and clever like her.


Ram Vira:

* attachment *

Send pictures.

Thanthep King:

Looks very handsome 555555


Very fast response. Is he free to sit by the phone all day like this? He must have been playing on his cell phone when I sent him. Good?


As if knowing who I was talking to Boat jumped on the sofa and pushed me to look at the phone screen. This King is a fanatic.

Oh ...

Thanthep King:

Thinking about giants = 3 =


I don't know when I clicked on the 'video call' option and immediately saw a beautiful face on the screen.

(Huh? You look fat Vira!)



(Hey giant, haha. I'm not afraid of you, haha.)

Just looking at his face made me think about the taste of kisses and his soft lips.

My heart started beating fast for an unknown reason.

It is very nice.

I remember what happened that night and I hope P'King will remember it too, but it's okay if he forgets because we were both drunk.

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