✴ CHAPTER 10 ✴

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POV King:

" See you "

"Ah, see you tomorrow"

"Then find me," I nodded in response.

Trust me, he is lying. Tee will go to the nearest department building right now. He flirts with a girl there. He didn't look as good as Ting. She is beautiful, innocent and nothing extraordinary. Tee never told me his name. He said he wanted to know her first.

"Better go and buy plants today", I still haven't brought my car.

Mom said I had to wait another 4-5 months because the car was badly damaged and Dad agreed with her.

And of course, if there are no cars then the way I travel is by foot or via the BTS Skytrain. But now I choose to walk.

I haven't seen Ram in the last 3-4 days. I last saw him when I took him to my condo. Don't know if he's too busy or just ignoring me. Maybe he's busy preparing for the exam.

I want to go to the library to read books and prepare for exams. Yes .. Why is that library called a library? Even though I only have books, I'm very curious. Who came up with the word library?

" Do not be mad at me "

" Hah !"

I saw the couple in front of me. Looking at the words and clothes, they must be boyfriends. Their movements are cute. The man grabbed the woman's arm and waved her like a child, pretending to speak in a cute little voice. Funny.

"Is Ram mad at me?", Usually, I'm good at understanding feelings.

It's easy to see if someone is angry with you, but it's not the same as Ram.

Understanding him was very difficult because he didn't show anything on his face. Just saw the change in his expression when he was with his friends especially Nong Duen.

"Are you angry? Not angry, maybe?", If he is angry then what should I do? I still want to know him so I have to make up for it.

"Welcome, customer. What can I do for you?"

"Do you have seeds of flowering plants?", I asked the shop owner.

I've grown vegetables in my kitchen. Now I want some plants with flowers for my room.

"There are many options to choose from. Please come here", the shop owner led me to a zone.

There was a large rectangular box made of wood, with clear glass as openings. I smile when I see so many seeds in the box. I know it! This place is great. There's also Cosmos!

"What are you interested in? You can tell me your preferences", The shop owner is very kind! Uh, is he the owner? But he does look like that.

"I'll look around for a bit", I excitedly watched all the seeds and plants around me.

They are cheap too, 30 seeds in 50 baht. King will buy the whole box.

Barge!! That is Gypsophila.

This is definitely heaven for King. I will never go to another shop from now on. I like this one. This place is really nice. Okay now I have to start choosing.

Cosmos, Gypsophila .... can I grow it in summer? Don't know, but have to buy it first.

I'll make my room a flower field now. > w <

.... about insects and snakes. Come on and find something.

"I'll take that, that and this one", I pointed to the acorn.

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