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POV King:

"Do you have a secret husband?", Asked Tee.

"Huh? .. Oh, that's the story," added Bohn.

He probably meant my new look drawing. I asked Ram if I could use it as a dp but he didn't answer. I take it as his yes.

"Whose arm is this and with that tattoo?", Said Tee.

It's his own line code junior and he can't even remember this. Tattoos are nothing short of a thing and Ram tattoos are unique. How could he not remember it?

"Do I know this person? Why can't I remember him?", Asked Bohn.

He's a forgetful person. Three days ago, he called me to say he lost his wallet. He asks for help and says that wallet has some important things in it. I hurriedly went to help him and do you want to know what I saw? The wallet is in his hand.

"Huh, what to do? It was with me a moment ago. I don't know where now?", He added when he looked at me while still holding the wallet in his hand.

That's too funny.

"Ugh no," I replied to Bohn.

We stood for a long time, so we sat at an empty table. Today the weather is good despite yesterday's storm. This is what they call clear sky after rain. It's always good. Clouds of various shapes today, a person looks like an elephant.

I think my friends really don't pay attention to Ram because they can't recognize his arm even after trying so hard.

"I want you to hug me," I told Bohn and acted like Boss taught me.

I try to take their minds away from my display image.

I placed my hand on one side of his ear gently, bit my lip slightly and looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Shia !!! don't let King hang out with boss again", said Tee.

Amazing boss. He taught me all his tricks that work in Mek. He's a very good teacher.

"King, I'm sorry for letting you hang out with Boss. From now on I'll take care of you", Bohn added and stroked my head gently.

As for Tee, he pretends to wipe his tears with a tissue. Sorry boss. You are a good man!

Beautiful woman who looks big. Concentrates on the Y line and likes to see men together:

Who is in the picture with you?

I know that sooner or later she will find this out and ask me about it. I just take photos with other people's arms, why does everyone think it's my boyfriend? Last time I took a photo with Ama in the neighborhood but no one asked me at that time. = 3 =

.................................................. .

Thanthep King:


Beautiful woman who looks big. Concentrates on the Y line and likes to see men together:

Your boyfriend?

.................................................. .

I tried to make a reply but couldn't send it because I was afraid my phone was taken by the teacher because the last time the teacher confiscated Tee's phone was when he used it in class.


"You're not going to really tell me who it is?"

"You have to find out for yourself. Go now," I waved to Tee and Bohn.

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