✴ CHAPTER 20 ✴

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POV King:

"I really like climbing mountains"

"Do you take water with you?", I asked.

We had to bring water because you never know when you start feeling thirsty.

"I brought alcohol," replied Boss.

It's almost the last day of our trip. We've been here for two days.

I love the feeling of being so close to nature and the activities organized by the Royal Forestry Department are good too. We learned a lot from this activity.

I was so jealous that Vira grew a rare, very extraordinary orchid that I wanted so badly to have.

Back to the story, today we climb the mountain to go to the pine fields.

Phi from the Forestry Department said the best way to get there was by foot but we had to walk several kilometers to get there.

Even though I like challenges, but I know my limits and maybe not much.

(Before arriving at Lan Son, we have to pass five hills, which are relative hills of the Phu Soi Dao sub-slope.)

He went on to name the hills and each name was really catchy. Ha ha.

"Phu Soi Dao doesn't have a daughter but there are stars in the sky that make her look very beautiful, it's like a poem,

Little heart on the lake,

The wind is aimless,

Millions of shining stars,

Such a painful pain .. ..

- a poem by Boss.

"What are you doing? No compatibility = =", I said.

"Oh, incompatibility is the identity of my poetry", he added.

My friend is a funny person.

(Ready? I want to tell you that our aim is very far. If we start now it will take us some time to reach there. This mountain is very sharp at its highest point. If you don't want to go, tell me. Don't push yourself.)

P'Yod announced and we all nodded.

One of the senior sisters who was too tired from yesterday's activities remained at the camp.

He said, "If you don't plant trees, then what is the purpose of coming? This is a good activity and I have already done it. I don't want to be a hindrance in your activities today, so I'll keep coming back".

I really appreciate his passion.

(OK so no one's coming back? Then follow P'Yod and we'll make it to the top together.)

P'Sun said and well if other people say that I am the most passionate about all this, then it is wrong. That's P'Sun, the smartest of us all.


I photograph everything I find: flowers, leaves, trees, fish, birds, snakes, everything.

I even took pictures of breeding flies.

I turned my head while clicking the picture and ended up taking a photo of the person who didn't move even after being clicked. Vira.

he looked at me as if to say,

"If you keep clicking the picture your phone will run out of battery."

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