✴ CHAPTER 11 ✴

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POV King:

"hey kaliam ... Er, A'Ning follow me"

I said the first sentence to Phu and Tee and said the last to Vira.


He didn't move so I dragged him myself. I am a person with excuses but A'Ning doesn't understand it. I'm dragging him now, but he still doesn't say anything.

Are you still living there Ram? And what are Tang, Ting, Phu and Tee talking behind our backs?

"Did you see the two of them flirt like a married couple?", I heard boss's stupid voice.

I stopped and turned to look at them. Want to know who they think is the husband among us? I will not be a wife. [A/N: HMM.. LET'S SEE P'KING HEHEHHE]

"You never considered us, boss! You came here to tease them", Tee scolded him but he just snuggled closer to Mek.

Just look at yourself before you tease us. Thep King likes that this teaser is funny.

"What are they? I'm not teasing them", Boss raised an eyebrow.

He's shabby. I told him to take a shower but he refused to say, "We are human. We have to live with nature .. trees, grass, etc. So don't ask me if I take a bath, my friend". It's just that you're lazy boss.

"Erm, you still don't know, so let's talk," he said to Tang.

"Words?", Asked Tang.

"Yes, about the two of them who tease and act disgusting", he replied.

"Um ..."

Tang just shook his head. Seeing my best friend who didn't know what to say, I felt sorry for Nong, but Boss is a good Thai teacher, he taught me many times.

I don't remember exactly all the things he taught but I got better at my vocabulary after that. I have to admit I don't remember most of it. = =

"I'll go help Duen in the kitchen. The students that your teacher will cook", the boss ran towards the kitchen where there was food everywhere.

I want to know about what they make.

"If you have nothing else to say," I waved at Phu and Tee.

I started dragging Ram again. The place where I wanted to take him was not far, just behind the house.

Along the way, we didn't speak. I didn't say anything because I was hungry and didn't want to do anything.

Have you ever felt this way? Like you are sometimes very hungry and you don't want to lose energy by talking. I'm currently experiencing it.

"Wwwww", I stopped walking and clutched my stomach.

Damn, in the morning I only have milk and bread. After that I didn't eat anything so now my stomach is protesting, reminding me that I'm hungry.



"Huh? Nothing. I'm just hungry," I said and shook my head to convey that nothing was wrong.

He looked like he was saying, "What's the matter? Don't die here. I'm not taking you back. Where are you taking me?". He raised his eyebrows.

Hah. He should respect me more because I'm his senior, but let's not just die here and get him to that place quickly. Then we'll come back and eat something.

I took him behind my house. We kept walking until we found a big Pikul tree that my mother planted.

I'm not dragging it anymore. Mother and Grandma taught not to touch men's bodies when they are hot. Also Ram's hands are too hot so I don't want to touch them.

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