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King of POV:

"Thep is back", I shouted as I entered the house and hug my mother.

"Let me go. I want to eat coconut cake first", He pushed me back.

"Don't you love King at all?", I asked my mother.

"Yes, because the King is old and the coconut cake is new," She said and said she was not satisfied.

I moved my body to the sofa and fell on it. I feel my body is energized. I don't have the energy to stand up, walk or do anything. I am like a dying person who has difficulty breathing.

"The cream is soft, melts in the mouth. The texture of the cake is good, not hard, not too soft," she said as she enjoying eating the cake.

"Is it delicious?", I asked curiously.

"You sent a photo of six friends?", She asked.

My sister must have shared a photo with her.

"Huh? Oh yes, they are all very handsome", I replied.

My sister actually called mom to tell me about the picture. They both knew my friends, but they pretend they don't know so that they can teasing me.

"Good, you will get a lot of dowry. After the money is received, I will go buy coconut cake with all that. I will buy pudding too. I also like papaya salad so I have to buy a handsome one.It would be better, hehe ", said my mother shamelessly.

"It's all because of my beauty", I pretended to gently brush my hair like a model.

"Calling himself beautiful? A child of narcissism," my mother commented.

"How can you talk about your own son like that?", I asked.

" I'm not a narcissist. I'm just telling the truth,"I added

She smiled.

"Come sit together," she said.

"Mother, I'll go first and see my secret base", I replied.

I didn't visit the house for a long time. I have to go and clean or maybe my mom will check it in when I'm not around.

"I'll be lonely", she added.

"Lonely? My father slept in the garage," I replied, raising her eyebrows.

"Well, to take you home, I have to make my husband sleep in the garage," she continued.

Should I feel sorry for my mom or dad?

I glanced at the clock and it showed 5:11 pm, I better go and come back before 7 o'clock.

"Yes, yes", I said and left.

My secret base is at the back of the house. It's not a safe house like they show in detective movies or like the mansion of the rich.

It was just a small hut with large windows all around. I love to look out and see nature. I feel comfortable waking up to those things. I really don't like waking up against a cement wall, I feel imprisoned like that. This is the reason why my room in my condo has fun by the glass and trees.

I sleep on the balcony in my condo. There are plants and fish-less fish tanks containing Lotus plants there. I used a bamboo mat that I brought from Grandma's house instead of a bed because it was too big to place on the balcony. I have a mosquito net to save me from dengue fever too.

I haven't been here for a long time so I want to sleep in my secret base but my mother won't let me sleep here. She even made her husband sleep in the car so that I would sleep at home. My mom is so cute.

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