Something that friends do(SaneGiyuu)

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"Guys! Guys!!"

Giyu gulped as Mitsuri dragged him by his arm, yelling and waving at a group of people in front of her.

She had pulled him across their university, all the way from their shared art class to the dorm buildings, more specifically the small park next to the dorm buildings.

Mitsuri Kanroji, a culinary major with a passion for the arts, food, and love, was someone Giyu considered a close friend. They spoke often, and he even had her number saved in his phone.

She knew a fair bit about him, and he knew a little too much about her. They'd been seated next to each other at the very beginning of their sophomore year, and Mitsuri, being the extrovert she was, had immediately taken to Giyu.

He found comfort in her ability to fill silences and make good conversation, and she found him interesting enough to keep around.

It was safe to say he trusted her a fair amount. But somehow she had roped him into meeting her other friends that very morning.
Giyuu doesn't exactly know how she had managed to convince him, all he really remembers is how many cups of coffee he'd had hours prior and the lack of food in his stomach.

And now, after classes had ended, he was stuck being pulled in her strong grip as she practically sprinted to a group of guys. They all sat around on a picnic blanket, two waving and yelling at Mitsuri excitedly.

Giyu scanned the group. There were only four people, two of which didn't seem too interested in Mitsuri's yelling.

Giyu recognized only one, Iguro Obanai, who Mitsuri talked about constantly. Giyu knew about her crush on him, she'd even shown him pictures.
Iguro sat with his nose in a book, perking up slightly when he heard Mitsuri's voice, but returning to his book quickly after.

His head was spinning as the pink haired girl finally came to a stop, causing Giyu to stumble as he tried to get his bearings.

"Guys! I brought someone I want you to meet!" She yelled happily, and Giyu flinched at the volume.

"Yo! What's up man?! You're a friend of Mitsuri's?!" A man with wide eyes and bright yellow hair shouted, and Giyu felt himself deflate.

Were all her friends this loud?

Giyu nodded apprehensively, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets and fiddling with the inside fabric.

The man beamed at Giyu's, quite frankly, lack luster response. The man next to him, a large, white haired man, spoke next.
"Well? What's your name?" He asked. He wasn't as loud as the first man, but Giyu still felt intimidated as he watched the man sizing him up.

"I'm-" he started, but was cut off as Mitsuri squealed.

"This is Giyu Tomioka! We're art buddies!" Mitsuri giggled, clasping her hands in front of her chest.

The wide eyed man laughed, however Giyu perked up as he heard a choking noise, and out of the corner of his eye he noticed one of the four people tense.

The man was laying on his back, staring at the sky. Giyu had noticed earlier that the man had been throwing a tennis ball in the air and catching it, but he seemed to be frozen now, the ball dropping on his chest.
He didn't flinch, and Giyu turned to face him.

The man shielded his face with one of his arms, so Giyu couldn't exactly see what he looked like, but as he scanned over the man he froze as well.

The man had his shirt unbuttoned, exposing his chest. Giyu felt the air being stolen from his lungs as he noticed familiar scars littering the mans chest, and he flushed.

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