Something that friends do(Pt.2) (SaneGiyuu)

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Giyu Tomioka was twelve years old when he had his first kiss. It wasn't like in story books, and it wasn't with a beautiful Princess.

Instead, Giyu lay on cold concrete, breathing heavily as he stared up at one of his neighbors. He didn't know the boy well, but Giyu had seen him around.

He knew his name was Sanemi Shinazugawa, and he knew that he had about six or seven siblings. He also knew the boy was explosive and angry.

But staring up into the boys pale violet eyes, instead of feeling scared, Giyu felt safe. He was supposed to be running, fighting to not get caught. But instead he let the boy pin him by his wrists, their chests close.

Giyu doesn't exactly remember who initiated the kiss, all he remembers is the fireworks going off in his chest and the feeling of lips on his.
He remembers how their teeth clashed, and how sloppy the kiss was. He remembers his neighbor pulling him off the pavement and leading him deeper into the woods, walking for a few minutes before pining him up against the nearest tree and kissing Giyu again.

When Manhunt had ended that night, and Giyu met back up with his only neighborhood friends, his best friends Sabito and Mokoma, he hadn't known what to say.
They had asked where he'd been all night, but Giyu couldn't bring himself to tell them what happened, so he just said he'd fallen asleep in the woods.

They accepted that answer, knowing how Giyu could be kind of an airhead sometimes.
When he went to sleep that night, Giyu couldn't stop thinking about his neighbor.

From there, Giyu only grew more confused. Every Friday, he would seek out his neighbor, who would look for him as well.
They'd sneak off into the woods, find a secluded spot, and kiss for as long as they could.

It eventually became more then when they'd meet during Manhunt. Giyu started to sneak Sanemi into his bedroom at night and meet him during school in the bathrooms, and as the two grew up and graduated from middle school to highschool, they had explored almost every part of each other.

They never said what it was out loud. They never spoke about what they were or what feelings they harbored.
All Giyu knew was that he liked when Sanemi kissed him, and when he touched him, and when he held him.

And before Giyu knew it, he had been doing that same song and dance with Sanemi for a whole three years.
Giyu never once found himself looking towards another person, and Sanemi never seemed to either. But they didn't put a label on it, they never told anyone.

As far as they were concerned, they were just doing what friends did.

So when one cold night in the dead of winter, Giyu pulled a frowning and solemn Sanemi through his bedroom window, he knew something was wrong.

Instead of kissing him, guiding him down into bed, Sanemi hugged Giyu like he'd fade away. He wrapped his strong arms around Giyu and choked out that his family was moving.

That night, instead of feeling loved and warm and happy, Giyu felt cold as ice. Sanemi held him, but it didn't feel the same.

They said they'd send letters, keep in touch somehow. But they still never spoke a word of what they were. Never told each other how they felt, how badly they'd miss each other.

And years later, after Giyu had accepted that he may never see the man he'd fallen in love with again, the gods smiled down at him.

But Giyu panicked, and now he lay in his dorm room alone, huddled against the wall in bed and refusing to get up.
He hadn't left his room for the past two days, despite it being the middle of the school week, and his roommate, Shinobu, had finally had enough of him.

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