Knock The Wind Out Of Me(Sanegiyuu)

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When Sanemi had moved into his current apartment, he'd let his younger brother chose which room he wanted first.
Obviously, Genya had chosen the larger room with the bathroom, and Sanemi was content to let him have it.

But now Sanemi was regretting that choice, because suddenly after living there for almost three years, Genya had started to get very protective of his bedroom, more specifically the bathroom.

Sanemi wasn't sure why, but had Genya started locking his door, barely letting Sanemi into his room and, by extension, bathroom for any reason.
He also started using the bathroom in the hallway instead of his own, and when Sanemi had asked if there was a problem with his own, Genya had just stuttered out that there was nothing wrong.

He had been acting more paranoid for the better part of two weeks, barely leaving his room for anything but food and to use the hallway bathroom.

When he did leave the apartment, he'd always come back with exactly two bags of groceries, almost always filled with different types of vegetables. He'd never put them in the fridge or use them to cook, only take them back into his room and then come out whenever he needed more from the store.

It was suspicious, but what really made Sanemi worried was when he'd snuck into Genya's room while he was out only to find that Genya had changed the door knob and locks on his bathroom door.

Now that was weird, really weird. So weird that Sanemi couldn't ignore it any longer.

Unfortunately for Sanemi, he hadn't been able to investigate further as he knew Genya was always fast at the store, so he had to retreat and wait.

So he waited and waited and waited for the day Genya would leave for the store again. It was Genya's summer break, and he hadn't been going out with friends like he normally did.

But Sanemi knew he'd leave at some point, he'd need more groceries.

The day came in the form of a Sunday, it was raining outside, and Genya seemed antsy as Sanemi stopped him at the door.
"Heading to the store?" He asked, and Genya nodded, gulping.

Sanemi narrowed his eyes at Genya before slipping his own shoes on, offering to drive his brother. He explained he had "plans" with friends, hoping that maybe if Genya thought he was out of the apartment he wouldn't be so quick to return.

Genya's shoulders seemed to ease up as Sanemi explained where he was going, and he agreed to the ride.

So Sanemi drove Genya to the store, sitting in his parking spot and watching. Once Genya disappeared behind the automatic doors, Sanemi took off back for his apartment.

He'd already told Genya he couldn't pick him up, giving him even more time to investigate what the hell was going on.

The drive back to his apartment was quick, and Sanemi practically sprinted up the stairs to his floor, fumbling with his key and slamming the door open before running to Genya's bedroom.

He felt bad for invading Genya's space, but he knew there was something wrong, and Genya wasn't going to tell him any time soon.

Upon entering Genya's locked room with the spare key, he b-lined it straight for the bathroom. He scowled at the silver doorknob, a different shape and color than their others.

Sanemi took a deep breath, grabbing the doorknob and turning it.

Locked, just as he had suspected.

He cursed, his eyes darting around the room. He knew Genya must have a key somewhere, and he knew he still had time before Genya got back.

Genya's room was an utter mess, but living with the teen for the past three years and having been in his room plenty of times prior to Genya's weird attitude change, Sanemi knew exactly where Genya kept things he wanted to keep hidden.

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