We Meet Again(Sanegiyuu)

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Growing up and working in an old harbor town meant Sanemi got to hear his fair share of sailors stories throughout the years.

He never believed any of their tall tales, usually hearing them through drunken slurs and rowdy bar music as they downed pint after pint of alcohol.

However one exception to his skepticism was mermaids. He wholeheartedly believed sailors when they said they'd seen a mermaid during their travels.


Because he'd seen one for himself.

It was by far the scariest, and strangest, day of Sanemi's life. The day his younger brother almost drowned at age seven.

Sanemi was twelve at the time, and his younger brother had begged him to go to the beach. He was quick to say yes, seeing as Genya couldn't go alone, and it gave them the opportunity to be out of the house and away from their father for the day.

It had all gone well at first. Sanemi and Genya swam together and played in the sand. However Sanemi had fallen asleep at some point, and Genya, being the dumb kid he was, went into the water alone.

It was only when Genya was screaming his name that Sanemi woke up, looking around wildly before seeing his brother thrashing around in the water, crying.

Sanemi was quick on his feet, screaming Genya's name and bolting into the water. Genya was farther out than Sanemi had anticipated, and the fear grew into a frenzied panic when he realized he might not be able to make it in time.

However as Sanemi swam as fast as he could, the gods smiled down at him. Genya had gone silent, and Sanemi feared for the worst, but as he stopped swimming and looked up, he felt relief clouding his system as he saw Genya being pulled towards a nearby rock patch.

He practically cried from relief as he saw the long black hair of a person swimming with Genya, and he began swimming again to meet them.

Reaching Genya and the stranger, Sanemi immediately pulled Genya into his arms, ignoring the stranger for the time being and checking his brothers pulse.

Genya was still alive, unconscious but still alive and breathing.

Sanemi let out a choked cry of relief, wiping his eyes of the tears he didn't know were there before turning to the person who had saved Genya's life.

He opened his mouth to thank the person, offer them anything in return for what they did, but the words got caught in his throat as he was met with the two most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen.

It was a boy around his age, however Sanemi felt his eyes grow even wider as he noticed that in place of his legs, the boy had a long blue tail.

It was shiny, twinkling with water and reflecting the burning sunlight above them. He felt at a loss for words, his eyes snapping back to the boys face as he giggled.

"You're a-"

"A mermaid? Yes." The mermaid replied, and Sanemi scrunched up his nose, frowning slightly at the sarcastic tone.

He wanted to say something, but could only watch as the boy smiled at him, his deep blue eyes sparkling with excitement.
"I've never seen a human before."

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