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A week had passed since the defeat of Muzan, everyone in the Butterfly Estate working extremely hard to tend to the wounded.

Inosuke laid in one of the hospital beds, his body aching. He had broken most of his bones. It wasn't like it mattered, they had healed just in a matter of days, but despite being healed, he still laid in bed obediently, waiting until he was allowed up.

He stared out the window, Zenitsu unconscious in the bed next to him. The blonde boy snored loudly, but Inosuke let it go, knowing how exhausted his friend must have been. Tanjiro had woken up the last of everyone, and even then he still slept most days anyway. Zenitsu was in the same state, constantly sleeping.

Nezuko often came to visit her brother and Zenitsu. She was in perfect health, her wounds healed nicely. She had begun helping out around the mansion, but she still spent most of her time by Zenitsu and Tanjiro's bedsides.

Kanao also shared the same room as Inosuke. She was in the same state as him, always up and restless. The two would talk a lot to pass the time, reminiscing about Shinobu and their fallen comrades.

It still hurt, but they found comfort in their shared experience, the once emotionally unavailable teens opening up to each other.

However, it was one of the nights where Kanao was sleeping early, leaving Inosuke to think alone in the dimly lit room. Aoi had barely visited Inosuke or the others, always sending one of the younger butterfly girls to tend to their wounds.
When she did come in, she avoided Inosuke like the plague, refusing to look at or speak to him.

It was pissing him off.

Aoi had been on his mind a lot lately. Especially during the final battle. During his entire fight with Douma, she kept popping in and out of his head. Images of Aoi mingled with the ones of Shinobu and his mother, his heart screaming at him to protect those who were still alive.

He had already lost two important women in his life, he couldn't stand to lose Aoi too.

Inosuke perked up as he heard the door to his hospital room creak open. He turned, expecting to see Naho or Sumi again, but was surprised as Aoi stood in the doorway.

He sat up straighter as she finally looked at him for the first time since the final battle, their eyes connecting.

Inosuke felt his chest lighten, his mood shifting from annoyed to extremely happy. He was happy she was finally acknowledging him, as if he wasn't some sort of ghost or mirage.

Aoi looked tired, the bags under her eyes dark. Inosuke wanted to give her a hug, tell her everything was going to be ok now.

Sighing, Aoi seemed to realize she couldn't run from him anymore. She walked into the room fully, closing the door softly as to not wake up the others.

She slowly walked to Inosuke's bedside, her hands trembling as she sat down next to his bed. Bandaged and bruised, Inosuke still managed to push himself up even more, finally sitting fully. Aoi flinched as he moved, opening her mouth to say something but closing it as she realized he wouldn't listen to her anyway.

They stared at each other for a moment before Inosuke sighed, reaching over and grabbing Aoi's shaking hand.
"You're avoiding me. Why?" He asked, getting right to the point.

Aoi took in a shaky breath, trying not to lose herself. Inosuke could see how close she was to faltering, breaking completely.

She steadied herself, squeezing his hand.

Inosuke raised an eyebrow at that, watching in confusion as Aoi's shaking began to worsen.
"You're really alive. I can't believe it. I thought maybe you weren't really here, like if I looked directly at you, you'd be gone. I was afraid I was seeing a ghost." Her voice shook, and Inosuke couldn't stop his heart from lurching.

"I lost Shinobu, and Mitsuri, and so many others. I almost lost Kanao. But I was most afraid I had lost you too."

Inosuke sucked in a deep breath as he heard Shinobu's name on her tongue, so broken. She was shaking violently now, gasping for air.

He went to reach for her, but before he could she stood quickly. The chair she sat on shot back, scraping against the floor.

Looking down at Inosuke, Aoi's whole body shook. Her fists clenched tightly, so tightly her knuckles turned white.
"If I had lost you, I don't know if I could've continued living. I don't know how-" She went to continue, but Inosuke had heard enough.

Inosuke couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed her waist, pulling her to him. She yelped as she fell into his arms, his grip on her tight.
She felt her chest bump against his, his hands clutching her hips firmly. Their faces were close, so close Aoi could feel his warm breath on her face.

Inosuke stared directly into her eyes, forcing her to look at him.
"I don't ever want to hear you say that again." His voice was deep and gravely, and Aoi shivered.

She relaxed as she brought her arms around his chest, clutching him tightly.
"But it's true. You're my most important person."

Inosuke wanted to smile, but another part of him couldn't help but feel sorrow, realizing just how long he'd made her wait. He leaned closer, connecting their foreheads. He rubbed his nose against hers, holding her forearms firmly. He needed her to know how he truly felt.
"Impossible. No way Aoi Kanzaki could love me. She's my most important person, not the other way around."

At this Aoi laughed, the sides of her eyes crinkling as she did. Inosuke smiled at her, his heart calm. His body was aching, his legs on fire.

But he couldn't feel any of it, all he could feel was the heat of Aoi's skin on him, and her breath mingling with his.

Aoi brought her hands up to Inosuke's face, holding him close.
"I'm so glad you're alive." She said, her legs wrapping together with his.

It was the first time he'd ever been truly joyful to be alive. He never had anything to live for, no one worth fighting for. Kanao was like his sister, Shinobu a maternal figure. And his mother of course, they were all important to him.

But Aoi was a different kind of important, her own special category. He couldn't image a world without her in it, constantly badgering him about taking proper care of himself and teaching him manners.
He felt a love for her so strong it physically hurt him, more than any cut or bruise.

He wanted to be with her forever, tangled in her arms and whispering affections and love in her ear.

Inosuke smiled, snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her as close as he could. He leaned down, nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck, closing his eyes in contentment.
"Me too."

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