I wanna be a cowboy baby(Sanemi Shinazugawa)

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Sanemi Shinazugawa doesn't drink, and there's a very good reason for that.
A reason that none of his friends know, because if they did he would've buried himself in a shallow grave a long time ago.

He was absolutely unhinged as a drunk, his concrete control slipping away from him after only a few drinks.
He's a lightweight, despite the amount of muscle on his body, something he's always hated himself for.

What use was all the muscle mass if not to stop him from making stupid decisions?

No, alcohol and Sanemi just didn't mix, and he made sure to stay clear of the stuff.

He'd done a pretty fucking good job of it too, he'd made it three years into university without getting drunk in front of his stupid friends once. At least until his least favorite person, Giyu Tomioka, challenged him to a drinking match, and his competitive ass wasn't going to turn down a challenge, especially from the self righteous asshole he very much despised.

His mind felt fuzzy as he stumbled around the living room of Shinobu Kochou's apartment, laughing loudly. His own voice boomed in his ears, as well as the voice of Uzui Tengen.

His arm was slung over Sanemi, and he was laughing so hard he was barely standing. Giyu had won(Sanemi was still pissed about it) but paid the price, as he was passed out over Shinobu's kitchen counter. Mitsuri and Rengoku had a line of shots on the coffee table, downing them one after another as quickly as they could.

Sanemi giggled, hiccuping and swaying around with Uzui.
"Hey Nemi~~" Uzui slurred, practically purring in his ear.

Sanemi laughed at the nickname, and he nodded dumbly.

"You-you see that hat?" Uzui hiccuped, and pointed weakly. Sanemi's eyes followed Uzui's finger, or both as he was seeing double, and he almost fell over in laughter.

There was a pure white cowboy hat sitting on Shinobu's dining room table, along with a bunch of other costume items. She'd seemingly bought them for Halloween, which Sanemi vaguely remembers is in a few weeks, and he smirks.

He stumbles away from Uzui, leaving the man to whine as he walked to the table. He laughed the whole way, making it way harder for himself to stay standing, but he only tripped once, catching himself on the wall before promptly pushing himself back up.

The hat was shiny, with studs lining the rim, and Sanemi laughed as he picked it up and placed it on his head, spinning around with his finger in the air.

"I'm a cowboy!" He yells in his best southern accent, and Uzui doubles over immediately, falling against the couch. Mitsuri and Rengoku laugh as well, but they don't seem to really know what they're laughing at.

Sanemi vaguely seeing Iguro and Shinobu in the kitchen smirking to themselves, and the reflection of a phone pointed his way, but he ignores it in favor of putting his foot up on a chair, flashing Uzui his best smile and tipping his hat.
"Hello pardner~" He slurs, and Uzui only laughs more.

He feels himself strutting around the room, but his mind isn't really there, and he stumbles a few times. Uzui sounds like he's dying, he's laughing so hard, and Rengoku has seemingly joined in on the fun, grabbing another brown cowboy hat from the costume table and pretending to lasso Sanemi.

Mitsuri is giggling like crazy, and even Giyu has stirred awake at the commotion. Sanemi smirks at Rengoku, using his fingers to imitate a gun and pointing them at him.
"There ain't room for the two of us in this here town-" He manages to say, without any hiccups or anything.

Rengoku laughs loudly, using his own finger guns and circling Sanemi.
"Ya better ske-daddle on back to where ya came from them then." He replies, and makes a loud noise with his mouth, pretending to shoot Sanemi.

Sanemi gasps loudly, grabbing at his chest. He falls to his knees, tumbling into his side. Rengoku's broken character, laughing so hard he's doubled over now. Sanemi breaks too, his head feeling fuzzy.

He doesn't know when, but he passes out at some point, laying with the cowboy hat still on his head.

The next morning is hell. He wakes up on Shinobu's cold hardwood floors, his back and aching, and his head pounding so hard he thinks it might explode.

He hears an evil laughter next to him, and turns, squinting to escape the harsh light. He sees Shinobu and Iguro at the kitchen counter, both nursing cups of coffee. Everyone else seems to still be passed out, and Sanemi groans as he sits up.

He feels like a zombie as he gets up, dragging his feet into the kitchen. Shinobu hands him a cup of coffee, and he nods in thanks. She smirks at him, giggling to herself.
"Drink up cowboy, it'll help that nasty gun shot wound of yours."

He gives her a look, but Iguro hisses out a laugh, and the memories rush back. Sanemi feels his face heat up, and he groans, which only makes his headache worse.

Shinobu gives him a sly look, and he just sneers in defeat, taking a sip of his coffee.

Yeah, Sanemi Shinazugawa and alcohol are a deadly mix.

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