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"Dear Y/n,

 I've had my eyes on you for as long as I can remember. I've been watching you from the day I laid eyes on you. And since then I've been determined to make you mine. I didn't know how to approach you so I wrote this letter, but don't take it the wrong way. This isn't just a letter, it's a warning. You will be mine with or without your consent. I will finally have you to myself. If anyone interferes, there will be consequences. I can't spoil too much of my plans, that would ruin the fun of the game. Anyways, see you soon Darling!"

"That, is so creepy." Seven had finally broke the silence between the two of you.

"Yeah. What do you think he means by consequences? And what game?"

"I have no clue, but I certainly do not wanna find out." 

You nodded in agreement with Seven's statement.

"Do you think we should tell the guys? We can meet at my house after school." You asked, not sure what to do about the situation.

"Yes, we should tell them. But no matter what, we can't meet at your house. You have a stalker, you could be followed home. That would put you and your grandparents in danger. We should meet somewhere safer, with people around. That way if we're followed and something happens, at least one person would witness it."

"You're right. That's actually a really good idea Sevie. I'll text the group chat and put the letter in my bag so I can show them later. They might think it's a prank if I don't have evidence."

"I know it's a good idea, I thought of it." Seven smiled. "And yeah, text the guys. Tell them to go directly to Rose Park after school."

"Alright." You said as you began to text the group chat.

The bell suddenly rang, and with that you and Seven headed to your last class together. But what you failed to notice is that someone was watching you the whole entire time.


You and Seven had just got out of class and were currently heading to the park for your meet up with the guys. You wanted to stop for ice cream, so you did. And Seven treated you. You also asked to get some for the rest of the guys. 

You had finally arrived at the park, all the guys grouped up in a circle. 

"Hey! Took you long enough to get here, I was getting tired of waiting." Titus whined.

"We literally just got here like five minutes ago dude, chill out." Oliver said, clearly annoyed with Titus.

"I guess you don't want this ice cream then, I'll just eat it myself." You said, shrugging your shoulders.

"That's mine, thank you very much."  Titus said snatching the ice cream from you, while you were laughing at his reaction.

"So, why did you text us to come here? Did something happen? Are you hurt?" Oliver asked, curiosity and concern was evident in his voice.

"She's fine. She isn't hurt. But I believe someone has threatened to hurt her." Seven had finally spoke.

"What's up?" Oliver asked.

"The sky." August replied, laughing at himself.

"Not the time, August." Seven said sternly.

"Sorry." August said with a frown.

"Anyways, what he means is that I have a stalker." You said.

"And you're just now telling us?" Titus asked.

"I just found out. They put a note in my locker, look." You said as you reached into your backpack to pull out the letter. "Here, read this."

All the guys' eyes widened in shock.

"This gives off major creepy vibes. Do you know who it is? Do you think someone is pranking you?" Oliver asked.

"No, this seems too serious to be a joke. They said something about a game and consequences, what you you think that means?" You asked.

"I don't know, but I don't wanna find out." All the boys said in unison. You laughed at all of them.

"I think we should go home and think about this, and then text the group chat when we have ideas." August said.

"Wow, guys, he actually said something smart." Titus said sarcastically.

"Shut up Titus, you always say something rude." You said, rolling your eyes. "Good idea Auggie, lets all go home, finish any schoolwork, and then investigate. If I find out anything I'll call the group chat. I'll see you guys tomorrow." 

You all dispersed and went your separate ways. You were about to grab your headphones to listen to music, when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You instinctively turned around and punched whoever was behind you.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. It was instinctive I swear." You said apologetically, realizing who you had just punched.

"It's cool, it's not the first time you've done that. It was my fault anyways. I should've just called your name instead of creepily touching your shoulder." You both laughed.

"Your nose is bleeding. Come on, we can go to my house and get you fixed up. I'm sorry Oli, you really scared me." You said, feeling really bad for punching Oliver.

"I told you, it's fine. Don't worry." He said with a smile. "Anyways, lets go. I had some things I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh? Is something wrong?" 

"Yeah, but I don't wanna discuss it here. Lets go to your house and I'll explain everything."

"Oh, a-alright then." You stuttered.

You both then walked to your house, unaware of the stalker witnessing your every move.


This chapter was full of twists and I'm loving it!

Stay tuned for the next chapter!!!

I love you so much!

I'm out!

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