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Feeling the rush of adrenaline, you sped to your house, you needed to make a quick stop there. You also needed to switch cars, the one you were currently driving wasn't as fast as you needed it to be.

As you walked inside, you called August, letting him know that there was a change of plans. He agreed to what you were telling him and he let you know he'd be at the location within the next thirty minutes or so with the boys. You then gave him your plan, and told him that if any of the other boys disagreed with something, it could be switched before you enter the building.

Running into your kitchen, you grabbed your backpack, put your phone inside, along with everything else you needed. You then got your gun and put it on your hip. Quickly running up to your room, you switched your car keys, and ran as fast as you could out of your house.

Getting into the i8, you closed the door. You put the car in reverse, backed out your driveway, and sped out of the neighborhood. You asked Danny to put in the address into the cars' GPS, to which he agreed to do. You let him pick the music, and you both vibed until you arrived at your destination.

When you arrived you saw two other cars already parked outside. You parked next to Titus' car, and got out, Danny trailing close behind you called August to see where the rest of the guys were, and where he was. He informed you that all of them were standing on the right side of the building planning. You asked him to come out front by the cars, and he agreed. You heard him tell the other guys to come out to the front over the phone, he told you they'd be there in two minutes.

As you waited you paced in front of your car, nervously waiting for them to arrive. You kept worrying about the 'what ifs'. As you paced you felt a hand on your shoulder. You stopped in your tracks and looked up to see who it was, and to your surprise it was Seven. He looked down at you, pulling you into a hug and telling you not to worry.

"The life of the party has arrived!" August had walked to the front with the rest of the boys behind him.

"Took you long enough." you mumbled, your face in Seven's chest.

"Are you alright bun?"

"Yeah, I'm just worried. I really hope that I can still save that person that called me."

"You're still focused on them? Don't worry, if we find them, then we find them, and if not then we can always come back."

"You're right." you stated as you let go of Seven. "Alright, let's go. Same plan? No one has any ideas before I run into this building like a madwoman?"

They all shook their heads.

Everyone then ran to you. You realized you had to choose who to go with.

"Wait, who is going with who?" Titus questioned.

"I have no clue." Seven stated.

"Me either, I thought Y/n and I would go together." Danny spoke.

"I was hoping we could go together, Y/n and I that is." Oliver had finally said something.

"What makes you think she would even consider going with you? After all you put her through, you have this stupid, silly little thought. You had her open up to you, take care of you, you even stayed at her house, she literally fell in love with you, and you still hurt her. You treated her like some trash on the street, and just completely disregarded her feelings. She's not an object, or your property Oliver, she's a human, with feelings. What type of sick person does that? How could do do that to her and still be okay after? You never acted like this and all of a sudden you're a whole different person. It's like you're not even you anymore." August had blown up at Oliver, his face red, veins showing through his arms, hands, neck, and even his forehead. 

"August, calm down, it's not a big deal." you softly spoke.

"No! I hate seeing people being treated this way, especially Y/n. She's been through too much, and she shouldn't have to deal with some idiot guy who doesn't treat her how she should be treated. You don't even deserve to be here right now, and yet you are."

"Auggie, it's normal for people to be treated badly. That's just how people are sometimes, it's okay. You don't have to tell him off for my sake, I already did, and he knows not to do it again. I'm fine now, see? Don't worry about me, I can defend myself. Off that, I'll pair everyone. Seven, you're with Danny, since I figure you guys will get along just fine. Titus, you're with Auggie. As for me, I'll go with Oliver. If you find anything, call the group. Got it?"

Everyone nodded, paired up, and went into the building. Titus and August went left, Danny and Seven went right, so you and Oliver went down the middle. You were walking when you saw a room, you assumed whoever was inside heard your footsteps, because they started to scream.

"Help! Hello? Is anyone there?"

When you heard that, you called the group, Seven picked up.


"I found someone, just letting y'all know. I'll update you when I see them."

"Alright. Stay safe, okay?"

"I will Sevie."

You heard Danny laugh from over the phone, and then hung up. You walked into the room slowly with your flashlight and knife. 

"Where are you?" you asked.

"I see you, turn to your right."

You did as instructed and turned to your right. You then walked forward, watching where you stepped. You turned to your left and saw someone tied up, you then rushed up to them.

"Oh my goodness, I finally found you! We're gonna get you out of here as soon as possible, okay?"

"I really appreciate it Y/n."

"Wait, how do you know my name?"

"Look at me."

You had did what he said for you to do. You looked at him, and you thought this entire situation would be something out of a movie, because it seemed impossible. Your expression instantly dropped. You were confused, shocked, and scared. You spoke after a moment of silence.

"Wait, Oliver?"


So...Oliver was kidnapped...the real one anyways.

plot twist, there was an imposter-

anywho, first update of today, I'll be posting another chapter later

i hope you're enjoying so far.

honestly, there is only gonna be like 7 more chapters left, and then i might be ending the book, however, i may have a q&a at the end if i get enough questions. the q&a will be for the book characters, so they'll be answered through their pov's, however, you can also ask me questions and i'll answer them.

that's all for now

i love you!!!

you're amazing!!!

I'm out!!! <3

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