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"What about me? What's going on?"

"You've been acting strange too, and honestly, I'm concerned. I care about you Y/n, I really do. And it hurts to see that you're bothered in some way and I can't help you." Oliver replied, his eyes watering. 

"Oli, I-" You were cut off.

"I feel useless. I hate that anytime something is wrong with you, you hide it. I can't help but wish you would tell me, so I can help you. You don't have to go through things alone either, but you do. Why can't you just let me help you, because I hate seeing you this way." Oliver had started to cry again.

"Oli, I don't tell you because I don't want you to share the same pain I do. I understand that you want to help me, and I'm so sorry that I made you feel useless, but sometimes you have to go through things alone. I feel like if I did tell you, I would only be a burden." You had answered, your eyes starting to burn as you felt the tears escape.

"You would never burden me with your problems."


"Really. I mean it. I'm always here, no matter what happens."

This time it was your head on his chest. You had started to let your tears fall freely, not caring about holding them back anymore. You felt safe in Oliver's embrace, so you pulled yourself closer to him.


"Yes Y/n?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being here for me, and for putting up with me. I always feel like a burden, but with you I don't feel that way."

"You won't ever be a burden to me. And it's my job to be here. That's what friends are for, right?"

"Yeah, right." You said as a smile slowly formed on your face.

His hand slowly gravitated towards your face as he began to wipe your tears.

"Sadness, is most definitely not a good look on you." He said, making you laugh.

You didn't realize it, but time had passed by so fast. It was almost midnight, and you and Oliver stayed up talking about anything and everything. 

"It's getting really late, we should go to bed. We got classes tomorrow, and after that we can do whatever we want for the weekend." You said as a yawn escaped your mouth. "Since I have no plans, I might as well study. I already showed you your room, right?"

"Yeah." Oliver replied.

"Alright then. Go-" You said as you walked over to your desk to start studying.

"Y/n, you said you have no plans for the weekend, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I was hoping we could go out."

His sudden request left you in shock, then again, a weekend with the boys sounds fun.

"Yeah, that sounds fun! I'll text the rest of the guys and le-"

"No no, I mean just us." Oliver said, his face turning as red as a tomato. 

"Y-you mean, l-like a d-d-date?" you had begun to stutter again.

"Yeah, exactly. A date."

You felt like this was a joke the boys had planned. They all knew how much you liked Oliver, so when he asked you out, you felt hurt.

"Oliver, did one of the boys pay you to do this? If this is some kind of joke, it's not funny." You said, trying to blink away tears.

"No, what made you think that?" He asked, worried if he had hurt your feelings.

"Literally all of the guys know that I've liked you for a long time an-"

"Wait wait wait, pump the brakes. You like me?" He asked, with the biggest look of confusion and surprise on his face.

"Yeah...I do. You never noticed?"

"No, actually I haven't. I thought you would never like me back. I didn't know what do, I asked Seven what to do and all he said was to shoot my shot."

"Oli, you like me?" 

"Yeah, I have for a while. That's why I'm asking you out."

"I'll go out with you." You smiled.

"Wait, really?" Now Oliver was shocked.

"Yes! Of course!" You had got up from your chair, ran towards Oliver, and wrapped your arms around him. Your tears were now tears of happiness. 

After a while, you had let Oliver go. You figured the both of you could use some sleep. You had long classes, and lots of reviewing to do.

"We should really get some sleep." You said as another yawn escaped your mouth.

"Yeah, you're right." Oliver said as he stretched, a yawn left him as well. "Good night Y/n."

"Good night, Oliver."


You had just arrived at your college. You noticed when you went to go get Oliver this morning he was already gone, so you headed to school by yourself. You were going to your locker, when someone bumped into you.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying at-" He stopped, "Wait, Y/n?"

"Yeah, that's me. Who are you?"

"Oh, you probably don't recognize me because I look different. Here." He pulled out his phone and showed you a picture. A look of realization spread across your face.

"Oh my goodness, Ethan!!! Wow, I haven't seen you in forever! Where have you been?"

"I've been going here as long as you have, but most of my classes are on the other side of campus. That's probably why you haven't seen me."

"Oh, well that explains a lot." You nodded your head in understanding.

"Yeah." Then the first bell rang. " I gotta go, I can't be late, but it was so fun to see you again!"

"Same here! Here's my number so we can stay in touch." You had got his phone and put your number in it.

"Thanks. Bye!"


You then continued towards your locker. When you got there, you opened it. And to your surprise, there was another note. You decided to take it, but not open it until later. You wanted to read it with all the guys around. You were closing your locker, and then someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around and punched the air.

"Dodged it this time." Oliver said with a smirk on his face.

"You, have got to stop doing that." You sighed in relief.

"What was that? That paper you just put in your bag?" Oliver pointed at your backpack.

"I...uh...I got another note."

"What does it say?" He asked curiously

"I don't know, but I'm scared to find out."


I'm so sorry I didn't update this yesterday. Hopefully y'all can forgive me

But y'all, some things are about to go down. Good or bad, I won't say

I'll also try and add more of the other characters into future chapters, and more interactions with Ethan.


I love you so much!!! <3

I'm out!!!

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