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You were startled out of your sleep from the loud boom of the thunder. You sat up and turned to your head to your window, looking at the rain aggressively falling from the sky. You decided that was your signal to get up for the day.

After reviewing the plan with the boys yesterday and sharing your knowledge on the overall topic of the stalker, you and the boys tweaked some thing for your plan. You had a surefire one now. You could only hope things would end up the way you wanted them to.

Looking into your closet, you had found an outfit you liked. You gently slipped it on, and then went to your bathroom, taking care of what you needed to before heading out.

Today you had planned to investigate the warehouse. You had only been to one section when you had previously went with the boys, but they didn't know that. They weren't even aware that you, Y/n, was Indigo. That would change soon. Tomorrow was your meet with the stalker, and you weren't ready. Mentally, at least.

You grabbed your car keys and your bag, and left. You decided to eat first, no one should investigate on an empty stomach. You went to iHop, and got some crepes. You took a quick break to eat after you arrived at the warehouse. When you finished your delicious food, you went inside.

Grabbing your flashlight from your bag, you slowly walked into the building. You decided to be cautious fo your every move. You didn't know if someone was lurking in the shadows, and you didn't want to get hurt again.

You heard a noise, which caused you to go into stealth mode. You hid behind the chair closest to you, and peeked up to see who was there. To your surprise, you saw the boys investigating as well, so you thought you would go say hello to them.

"Seven!" you called.


"Yes, it's me!"

"What're you doing here?" he asked as he walked over to you, the both of you meeting in the center of the room.

"I could ask you the same thing." you replied with a small laugh.

"Oh, well, we all decided to investigate."

"I'm investigating too, actually."

"Oh? We should group up then."

"Yeah, I agree. But before we do, I have a confession."

"Hm? What would that be Indigo?" Oliver chimed in.

"My name isn't Indigo."

"Huh? Then what is it?" August asked.

You then took off your mask, and your other mask.

"It's Y/n L/n..." you spoke shyly, trailing off. All the boys had a surprised expression on their face, beside Seven of course. "Guys, I'm so sorry I had to do thi-"

You were stopped by August, who had ran towards you and embraced you in a hug. "Bun, I thought I would never see you again. I thought you were gone forever. How could you do this to me?! Do you know how much pain I've been in?!" he gently scolded you, and you apologetically chuckled. 

"Sorry Auggie, it won't happen again. I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise." you replied as you interlocked your pinky with his.

"I knew you weren't dead darling, it was only a matter of time before you revealed who you really were." you heard his voice, echoing through the warehouse.

"W-where are you?" you questioned. "You've hid for long enough, come out. This game is over."

"If you insist." and then he came to stand with you, face to face.

You watched as he walked towards you, meeting with you in the middle of the room. You scolded yourself for leaving your bag by the chair. If he were to try and hurt you, you had no other way to defend yourself, besides fighting him.

"Okay, now take the mask off." you started, but before you could finish, he spoke.

"Is this what you want darling?" he questioned as he slowly took off his mask, revealing his familiar features. "Are you satisfied now my love?"

You stood there, frozen in shock. You expected something bad, but not this bad. To you, you felt straight up betrayed. One of your closest friends, was the one causing all this pain.

"T-titus. How could you do this?!"

"How could I? How could you darling?" he countered. "I warned you before, did you not listen? Clearly not, if you did, we wouldn't be in this situation, would we?"

"I'm not giving myself to you, I told you that!" you angrily exclaimed.

"You will be mine darling, I'll make sure of it. One way or another, you will belong to me."

"I'm never gonna be with you, and you can't force me to be!" you screamed. "Why can't you understand that? And out of all these girls, why me?"

"Why you?" He laughed. "Do you not understand what you do to me? Every day and night, I think about you. I think about how we're always goofing off in school, and that beautiful smile on your face. I think about how cute you are when you laugh. I think about how determined you are to be the best version of you possible, and I want to be the best me I can, for you. It pains me everyday that I look at you knowing that you aren't mine. But, it won't be like that for long my dear. You will be mine, with or without your approval. I will have you, finally." He started to walk towards you.

"Why are you walking towards me like that?"

"Because I'm going to show you and everyone else who you belong to." He replied with a smirk on his face.

"What? No! Stop it!" You screamed as tears streaming down your face.

He continued to walk towards you, eyes staring into yours menacingly. He began to pull something from his hip. Your eyes widened when you realized what it was. He had a gun, and you were ten times more scared than you were before. You didn't have yours with you because you didn't think you'd need it. You mentally yelled at yourself for that.

"But first, I need to take care of him." He said as he pointed his gun at one of your friends.

"NO!" You screamed. "Don't shoot him! I'll do anything, just don't shoot!" You pleaded, tears now rapidly running down your cheeks.

"It's a little too late for that baby. I warned you to come alone or there would be consequences. Now, you will suffer those consequences." He replied pulling the trigger.


"Say goodbye." He said with a menacing smile.

He shot.


omg omg omg omg omg omg omg i'm panicking, i apologize in advance for the next chapter, which btw probably wont be posted until monday at the earliest. i'm feeling very burnt out and i want to take a weekend to myself, so i'm sorry but no updates this weekend :(

also, the teaser for my new book Violet has been posted, so if you wanna check that out, you can go on my profile and read it!(this book will be much better and have longer chapters!)

and again(yes again, i'm annoying i know) i'm doing a q&a, so if you have questions, get them ready!! if i don't get more than 5, i wont do it.

anyway, that was all. enjoy the rest of your day/night darlings! make sure you eat and get some water, and also, get some sleep. 

i love you darlings!!

you're amazing!!

im out!! <3

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