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"August...what happened? Why are you crying?"

"Y/n, I thought we lost you. I thought I lost you. They said there was a small chance that you'd live, but we risked it. I'm so glad we did. You...you're alive." he embraced you in a hug and you winced in pain.

"A-auggie, I know you're excited to see me, but your elbow is in my stomach." you said, gasping for air.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm just really happy to see you."

"I know you are, I'm happy to see you too. Loving the red hair by the way."

"I like it too, thank you."


"Yes Y/n?" he looked up from his phone.

"The nurse said you called me your little sister, is that true?"

"Yeah...it is. I don't know what I would do if I lost you, you're like my other half. When I came to see you last night, your breathing was so faint it scared me, I honestly thought you would've left us in your sleep. I told you how much you meant to me, and how I'm lucky to have you in my life. From day one you've always been there with me, And I've been here with you, so you are like my little sister. We do everything together, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"S-seven, I never knew you had feelings."

That caused all the boys to burst out in laughter, which made you happy. Seeing them all together again, happy. You slowly sat up, making sure to not hurt anything else on your body, you were already on the brink of death.

"But on a serious note, thanks Sevie. It's good to know that you actually like having me around. A lot of the time I think that you're only friends with me because you feel bad my parents died. It's good to know that isn't the reason. I'm happy to have you too, you're the other half of me, the big brother that I always wanted and now have. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you, and I wouldn't want things any other way either."

"Awww, that was so sweet." August said in-between tears.

"You're such an emotional train-wreck." Titus said as he playfully punch August in his shoulder.

"Titus, thank you."

"For what? I didn't do anything."

"You saved me, you rushed in and saved me. It's one of the last things I remember before I blacked out."

"I didn't actually, I sat there panicking. August had to calm me down, I thought you were as good as dead."

All the boys nodded, displaying that Titus did in fact panic.

"Wait, so then who saved me?"

"None of us did." Oliver responded.

"Yeah, it was all Danny." August chirped.

"D-danny saved me?"

"Yeah, he did. He came up with a plan so quickly too. He's really cool." said Oliver as he typed on his phone."I'm honestly surprised he stayed so calm during the whole thing."

"He was scared though, you could see the fear and worry in his eyes. He tried to stay calm, but I noticed." August piped back into the conversation.

This took you by surprise, because it was unexpected. Danny is quiet, and in situations like that he usually panics, but in this one he saved your life.

"Where is Danny anyway?" you questioned.

"He hasn't been here with us, maybe he visits you on his own. I have no clue. He blames himself for you getting in this situation. We haven't seen him since the night we brought you in here." Seven responded to your question, leaving you hurt. Your tears burned your eyes, and all of the boys gathered around your bed.

"Wait, Danny thinks it's his fault? Did he say why?"

"Nope, just apologized and left." Titus voiced.

"Does he know I'm awake or...?"

"No, as far as we know, he thinks you're dead. I just texted him, he said he hasn't seen you since the night we brought you in." Oliver responded. "But, he's happy you're alive."

Suddenly the door flew open, revealing a very scared nurse.

"You boys need to leave, now." He said with urgency in his voice.

"What? Why? We haven't done anything." Seven spoke.

"You've been reported as threats by an anonymous source, we need you off the premises immediately."

They all looked at you apologetically and left. You frowned, being sad that you were once again left alone. You knew who did it, the stalker. No doubt about it. But Why he did it was the real question, which has a simple answer. He even told you, if he can't have you, no one can. He wouldn't let those boys be close to you anymore.

From the beginning of when this crazy game began, you knew it was going to get bad. And for some reason, you thought it was a cute little joke one of the freshmen were playing on you. You thought that maybe they wanted to see if the same pranks they played on people in high-school, they could get away with in college. It wasn't a joke, and you blamed yourself for being in this dangerous situation, and what's even worse is that you dragged your friends into it. So now, their lives are in danger too, and you can't help but think what things would've been like if you had never opened that letter, would they be better? Probably.

You now knew that if you wanted to see them, you would have to do lots of sneaking around. Keeping yourself hidden was now your main priority. You needed yourself safe, but more importantly, the boys, especially Danny. You risked your life and saved it, you can't just carelessly walk around now, or else his efforts would've been for nothing. You couldn't let his hard work be for nothing.

You decided to make a plan. You were going to recover as quickly as possible, and get out of here. Being confined to a hospital bed all day was nowhere in your vocabulary. You decided that you didn't want to be weak anymore, you hated how scared you used to get, so, you decided to make some changes, for good. No more being scared, no more running away, no more hiding from the stalker. You were going to confront him head on.

But first, some major changes had to be made.


So sorry for the bad chapter, it's going to get better, I promise.

Also, I have a couple of announcements:

1. Thank you so much for 500 reads, it means so much to me!! you all are so amazing!!

2.  I checked my story stats, and the fact that people all over the world are reading my book is so crazy to me because I never thought that I would have that type of range. thank you to all of my lovely readers, I cherish you all more than you could know.

3. I'm going to be starting a new book soon(near the ending of this book), so if you're interested in reading it, I'll put an update chapter in here letting you guys know when it's published

4. if you haven't eaten or drank anything today, please go eat and drink some water

with all that being said...

i love you!!!

you're amazing!!!

i'm out!!! <3

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