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You had just got home. You greeted your grandmother and she welcomed you back, you then said that you were having Oliver over again. She rolled her eyes and smiled. She knew how much you liked him. You called Oliver inside. He greeted your grandmother, and her eyes widened.

"Oh goodness gracious! What happened to you dear? Why are you bleeding?" Your grandmother was concerned and surprised.

"He scared me, so I punched him. It was an accident. I'm gonna go patch him up now, I was just letting you know that he's here." You said, trying to hide your embarrassment.

"Y/n!" She smacked you.

"OW! I apologized already, dang!" You whined as you started to rub your arm where she smacked you.

Oliver laughed, clearly amused.

"I see you're getting a kick outta this. Let's go, we needa get you fixed." You said, motioning for Oliver to follow you upstairs.

You and Oliver went upstairs to your room. He set his bag on the floor next to yours. You then went into your bathroom, which was in your room, and grabbed your first aid kit. You also got a damp rag. 

"You can sit on my bed, you don't have to sit on the floor." You said as you walked out of your bathroom.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm okay here." Oliver said, avoiding eye contact.

"Oliver, go sit on the bed." You said more sternly.

He suddenly looked up at you, and hesitantly walked over to your bed. You then sat on your bed next to him. You put down the first aid kit and the rag, took off your jacket and then opened the first aid kit to find a bandage. While you were looking, you noticed that Oliver was staring at you. You smiled to yourself as you kept looking. You found the bandage and then looked up at Oliver,  his face turned red when you looked back up at him.

"I'm gonna clean your wound now." You said as you looked at him.

"O-okay." He said, his face still red from him blushing.

You gently dabbed his nose with the rag, he flinched from the first touch of it.

"Are you alright?" You asked concerned, worried if you had hurt him more.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine."

"Okay, I'm gonna continue now."

You continued to clean his wound. You gave him a look of reassurance, letting him know that it was going to be okay. He acted like it was nothing, but you could see that you hurt him. You also noticed he stuttered, and he was avoiding eye contact with you. He's been acting different for a while now, he seemed bothered. You figured you'd confront the problem head on.

"So-" You broke the silence.

"I-" Oliver spoke at the same time as you.

You both laughed.

"What were you gonna say?" Oliver asked.

"I was gonna ask if everything is okay."

"Huh? What do you mean? I'm fine, are you okay?"

"Oli, you're changing the subject. This isn't about me. I asked about you. You've been acting different lately."

"Oh, so you noticed." He said with a disappointed look.

"Yeah...I-I did."

"Well, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about." He hesitated. "I have some things going on at home, and I know it's a big favor to ask, but I was wondering if I could stay with you for a couple of days." He was suddenly silent.

"Yeah, of course Oli. You're always welcome here." You said as you had finished patching up his wound. It'd develop a bruise by morning, but at least you had stopped the bleeding. "What's going on? You don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable, I'm just curious."

"No, I trust that you won't tell anyone, so i'll tell you. But it's a lot, and I know you're always bu-" 

"I always have time for you, it's no problem. What's going on?" You had cut him off, but reassured him that it was okay.

"My parents divorced a couple month back. Things have been weird without my mom, but I see her every weekend. It's just not the same without her there. Ever since she left, things have been a mess. I have to do everything she did, clean the house, prepare meals, and I even help with the bills. But if I don't get everything done when my father needs it done he...he..." Oliver had trailed off, and began crying. "He abuses me. That's why I've been acting so different lately. I've been wearing all these long sleeves, I didn't want anyone to see the marks."

You instinctively pulled him into a hug, his head resting on your chest as you stroked your hands through his wavy black hair.

"Oliver, you should've told me. I could've helped you. You could've stayed with me and avoided all this, you didn't have to hide this from me. And you didn't have to go through this alone. Next time something like this happens, you call me, okay?"

You had wiped Oliver's tears, your hand cupping his cheek.

"It's gonna be okay, alright?" You said as you wiped his tears.

He laid his head back on your chest.

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you Y/n, you've always been here for me, and so helpful in the times when I needed you."

"Of course, that's why I'm here, to help with any problems you might have. Just know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here, okay?"

"Okay, thank you. I don't know what I would do without you." He looked up at you with admiration.

You looked back down into his light brown eyes, you felt like you could get lost in them. And then the silence was broken.

"Here I-" Your grandmother had come into your room with two plates of food for you and Oliver. "Did I interrupt something?" She asked as she looked at you with a smirk on her face.

"No, you didn't." You replied, smiling as you rolled your eyes at your grandmother. "Oh! You brought food, thank you." You said, changing the subject.

Your grandmother had walked out the room. You then got up and grabbed both of the plates, gave one to Oliver, and sat back down.

"Thank you." Oliver said as you handed him the plate.

"No problem." You said with a smile.

"I wanted to talk to you about something else."

You choked.

"Oh?" Was all you said, your mind racing as you thought about what it could be.

"Yeah, it's important. And it's been on my mind for a while."

"What's up?"

"It's about you..."



Thinking about adding in the new characters within the next couple of chapters..

I wonder what the stalker is up to...? **winks**


I love you so much!!! 

I'm out!!!

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