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You woke up to the sound of sizzling. You immediately sat up, regretting your actions because you were now dizzy. You held your head as you proceeded to stand up, your legs unsteady. Danny saw your attempt to get up, and rushed over to you. He caught you just before you collapsed to the floor. 

You held on to him, your arms wrapped around his neck, your feet barely touching the floor. You stared up into his light brown eyes, his brown hair falling in front of them. He smiled back at you, looking into your hazel orbs.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Thank you."

"Of course. Are you hungry? I'm making breakfast right now, it should be done within the next ten minutes."

"Sure, I could eat. I didn't really eat yesterday anyway."

Danny helped you up, and then gave you directions to the bathroom. He also let you know where the extra toothbrushes were so you could brush your teeth. You walked up to the bathroom, did what you needed to do, and cam back downstairs. By the time you came back, the table was set and Danny was still in the kitchen.

"Wow, I didn't know you could cook." 

"I can't."

"So what's this then?"

"Food." he plainly answered.

"Whatever. Either way it looks really good."

"Thank you. What do you want to drink?"

"Um, water is fine, thanks."

"No problem."

He grabbed two glasses from the cabinet. He poured water into one and orange juice into the other. Then he walked to the table and sat down, and also handed you your drink. You thanked him and began eating. When you took a bite out of the waffle, your eyes lit up. They were so good, and fluffy. Danny laughed at your reaction, clearly being amused. When you finished eating, you went over to the couch, where you left your purse and your phone. You looked at your phone to see lots of missed calls and messages. Your phone lit up, and you saw that you were being called. You signaled Danny that you were taking a call, he nodded and you stepped out the room.



"Yes, that's me. Why do you sound like you just got done running a marathon?"

"Because he came after me."

"August, what are you talking about?"

"The stalker. He found me. He said something about you. I think it was something about meeting him, and he said he had a surprise."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, he said he saw you with some guy, and that if he doesn't back off, he'll be punished. He said the same thing to the rest of us."

That left you in shock. There was a silence over the phone.

"Y/n? You good?"

"How did he know I was with someone?"

"I don't know. He said he's closer than you think, and that you need to watch who you're with."

"Okay. Thank you August. Go somewhere safe. Actually, I have an address. Meet me there in two hours."

"Alright I will. Later."


With that, he hung up the phone. You walked back into the other room with a shocked expression. You were scared, and it was evident. You froze as you walked in, and Danny noticed. He rushed over to you, worry in his eyes. You started crying. It was out of confusion, worry, anger, sadness, even love.

You and Danny were childhood friends, much like you and Seven. The three of you were often together, however, when you three weren't together, it would always be you and Seven or you and Danny. But there was a different story with the two of you. You had always liked Danny, he was an amazing person. He was nice, funny, caring, and a good friend among many other things. But when you were in middle school, you had started to develop feelings for him. He was the first guy you ever liked, and you didn't know what to do about it. You knew he would never feel the same way, but you still had your hopes up.

Since then, you've liked Danny. Even when you liked Oliver, you still had feelings for Danny. You could never get rid of them, so you let them stay. As much as you wanted to distract yourself from your feelings for him, you also you knew you couldn't get rid of those feelings. They've always been there, and will always be there, and you could either accept them, or try to ignore them. 

 Whenever you were around him, you'd get nervous, but play it cool. As you cried, he held you. He kept reassuring you that whatever it was that was going on, he'd be there to help in any way he could. You hugged him back, telling him everything that had just been explained to you over the phone. You both talked about it and agreed on what to do. He helped you up, and then you got your things. Danny ran upstairs to grab his bag, got everything he needed, and came to the door.

"Y/n, are you sure you want to do this? We can always stop if you're uncomfortable."

"Yeah, I'm ready."

"Okay then, let's go."

"Time to confront the stalker."


next chapter is gonna be full of surprises. I know i said i'm doing a double update today, but i'm going to wait until tomorrow to post the second chapter. i have lots of revisioning to do.

anyway, i hope you're enjoying this book. i love writing it.

also, thanks so much for almost 350 reads! thats a lot.


i love you so much!

you are amazing!

i am out! <3

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