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The bell had just rung and you were on your way to your locker, where you usually meet Seven before you go to lunch. "The day is already halfway over, that's crazy." You thought, and before you knew it, you were at your locker. You put your books inside your locker, and out your sketch pencils inside your bag. You texted Seven to ask where he was, but just as you were about to do so, someone took your phone.

"Titus, can I have my phone b-back please?" You asked nicely.

"No, you can't bother Seven."

"How did you know? Whatever, I was gonna ask where he is so can you ple-" He cut you off.

"I said no."

"Titus, give me my phone." You said with more bass in your voice.

"What part of no do y-"

"Titus Rain Williams, if you don't give me back my phone this instant." You said in a warning tone.

"Dude, she looks so scary. Give her back her phone." August said with slight fear in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm kinda scared for you. I do not wanna see what she does if you don't give her back her phone." Oliver chimed in.

"Fine." He said, as he reluctantly gave you back your phone.

"Thank you!"

"Whatever." He said as he rolled his eyes.

"Roll your eyes again, maybe you'll find a brain back there, and some common sense." You commented.

"Dang!" Oliver said.

"She smoked you dude." August said as he as Oliver began laughing at your insults.

"Shut up nitwits. Let's go to lunch already." Titus said as he began to walk towards the cafeteria.

"Wait. We gotta wait on Seven. He isn't here."

"He isn't in school, Y/n." August said, with a hint of sadness in his voice.  

"What? W-w-why? He never misses school." You said with worry laced in your voice.

"Lets just go, we'll tell you there." Oliver said, grabbing your hand and interlocking your fingers with his.

You and the boys headed towards the cafeteria. When you got there, you looked for your regular table, but it was taken. So instead, you decided to go to the park for lunch. You bought the boys Chinese food since there was a Chinese restaurant by the park. You all sat down at the table, and began eating. You remembered to show them the note. They all weren't surprised. You asked if they had any ideas about who it could be, and they all shook their heads in unison. 

"I'm gonna find out who this is soon. I swear it." You told your self.

"Y/n, what did you say?" August asked, confused.

"N-nothing. I didn't say a-anything." You lied.

"What's wrong with you?" Titus asked, leaving you shocked.

"W-what do you mean? I-I'm fine." You answered.

"Don't play dumb. You've been acting so different, you avoided me for a week at one point, as well as the rest of the guys. And you're stuttering, you never stutter, so what's wrong? And if you lie to me I swear-" Titus was cut off.

"Look, she's been avoiding it because she doesn't wanna talk about it, alright? Don't push her to talk about it if she's clearly uncomfortable." Oliver defended you.

"Oli, i-i-it's okay. I'm r-ready to tell you guys what's wrong. I've hid it for long enough." You told him.

"If you're sure." He said.

"I am." You gave him a nod, letting him know you'd be fine.

"Alright then, spill. What's up with you?" Titus asked.

"I-I have severe depression, and anxiety. T-that's why I've been so d-different. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. It's been getting worse lately, but I'm going to therapy to help. I've been scared, that's why I-I've been stuttering." You responded.

"Oh goodness, bun I'm so sorry." August said as he hugged you, stroking your hair.

"It's okay Auggie. I'll be okay, I've made it this far, right?"

"Yeah, you have. You're strong, and you're gonna get through this, I promise."

"Thanks, I'm t-trying." You said as you let go of August. 

"Your turn." You said, staring Titus dead in his eyes.

"What?" Titus asked, having a confused puppy look on his face.

"You heard me. Your turn."

"What are you talking about Y/n?" August questioned.

"Why is Seven not here? Y-you said you'd tell me, and you h-haven't yet."

"It's beca-"

"Oliver. Shut. Up." Titus said sternly.

"Don't talk to him that way." You said, a pout on your face.

"She should know." Oliver said.

"I agree, but Seven asked us not to tell her." Titus said.

"Why am I exempt? I deserve to know. I've known him longer than any of you." You said, slightly angry.

"Y/n, bun, he told us not to tell you because he said that you would worry."

"I am worried, because I don't know what's wrong with him." You said, your voice filled with worry and anger.

"I'm gonna tell her." Oliver said.

"No, you can't." Titus opposed his idea.

"Y/n, the reason why Seven isn't here-"

"STOP!" Titus yelled.

"-is because-" He abruptly stopped.

"What? What's wrong?" You asked, scared.

"Y/n, he's in the hospital."


I had to make something tragic happen, I'm sorry-

Also, Thank you so much for almost 80 reads!!!

What do you think happened to Seven?(He's not dead lol, at least not yet.)

Anyways, later my babies!

I love you so much!

I'm out! <3

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