Chapter 11

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"Mom?" Jacob asked

The second I heard the word come out of Jacob's mouth, I slowly walked out of the kitchen. I looked and Jacob was sobbing. "It really is mom" I thought to myself. She looked at me with hopeful eyes and I ran to her. She embraced me the second my arms landed on her. She held me tightly and I knew I would be crying soon. Jacob looked at mom with his eyes puffy already. He embraced her like she did to me. I was crying and I knew I looked like a mess but I didn't care.

She walked in and we sat her down on the couch. "I know both of you are probably very confused. I will explain everything to you but I just need to sleep for a bit. I nodded and said "anything for you" I ran into the other room and got her a pillow and a blanket. She said thank you and fell asleep.

"This can't be real." I said as I paced around the kitchen. "I'm just as shocked as you Thalia" Jacob said. "Wasn't she in the car when it exploded though?" I asked quietly. "Maybe she wasn't. She probably ran and thought we ran off." He said. I ran my hand through my hair and continued to process this whole situation. After Jacob and I talked about it for a few more minutes, mom woke up and yawned. "Sweetheart can you bring me a glass of water." She asked me sweetly and softly. I nodded as I walked into the kitchen and got her water. I brought it back to her and I sat next to Jacob.

We were across from mom so we could talk better. "Okay so I'm sure you guys are still shocked of how I'm here." She started. "When the car exploded I had just gotten out of the car and got a safe distance away. I could hear both of you sobbing and I felt terrible. I knew the cause of the accident was mostly because of me arguing with your father" I nodded as she continued. "I didn't want you both to hate me for that so I ran. I ran until I couldn't anymore. I walked into the house and packed some clothes and things and flew to Spain where my sister Callie lives. That's where I've been for the past years and I'm so sorry I never kept in touch with you. I thought it was for the best." She finished and I sat there's staring. I blinked as I said "so basically, you left because you thought we were going to hate you for what happened?" She nodded slowly as she wiped a tear. "I'm so sorry I never meant to abandon you like I did." She started crying softly. I got up and walked to her and hugged her awkwardly from the side. She turned and wrapped her arms around me and broke down.

Jacob walked over and hugged her from the other side. I mumbled softly "it's okay mom don't worry. I don't hate you, I forgive you. "Y-you do?" She said as she let a out a sob. "Of course I do mom! You're my mother how can't I forgive you!" I said smiling. She smiled and sniffled a bit. "We're glad you're back mom" Jacob said as he kissed her cheek. She laughed softly and said "it's good to be back with my favorite people in the whole world" she said as she hugged us.

"So who else knows?" I asked as I was making dinner with her. We were just finishing dinner and Jacob was getting the plates ready. "Both of you and Aunt Lauren." She said as she finished tossing the salad. I nodded and we brought the plates to the table and together. It felt nice to eat again as a family. We were in a comfortable silence and then mom spoke up. "So how have your grades been?" I looked at Jacob and he looked at me and I laughed. "I'm doing good actually. I have an A in math which is rare for me" I said as I laughed. Mom smile and said "what about you Jacob?' Um I'm doing good. Finally got that A in Biology" he said as he took a sip of water. "I'm glad to hear you guys are doing good" she said smiling.

I missed her so much. The twinkle she got in her eyes when she smiled, her soft
and relaxing voice, her bright green eyes. That was the only difference I had with Jacob. He had my fathers eyes. A chocolate brown that looked beautiful in the daylight. I had my mothers eyes. A not too light but not too dark green color. But there was some genetic disorder in my eyes that made a tiny portion of my eye brown. It was only for one of my eyes. "Well I'm gonna clean up the kitchen" mom said as she began piling the dishes. "No give me them go get some rest" I said as I took them from her hands. "But I was going to wash them" she said as she let out a sigh. " And I said go get some rest." She laughed and said "you haven't lost your sass darling" I smiled and said "and I never will!" Jacob walked into the kitchen and helped me load the dishwasher. We cleaned the kitchen and I checked the time. It was 9:45 and I was extremely tired. Today's events were something I didn't expect at all. I headed upstairs and began getting ready for bed. I put on my pajamas and quickly said goodnight to Jacob. He replied 'goodnight' and I laid down on my bed. I fell asleep within seconds into a dreamless sleep.
I woke up at 6:00am the next morning and began getting ready for school. I rolled out of bed and walked into the shower. I washed up and washed my hair before I stepped out. I went to my room and decided on a tank top but put a flannel over it. I put on some skinny jeans. I owned a choker but I never used it so I put it on.I looked at my scars and they weren't fading. Didn't surprise me that they weren't but I didn't want anyone to see them. My mom didn't know about me cutting so I put on a bracelet that covered them. I put on my glasses, slipped on my vans, grabbed my phone and backpack and walked downstairs.

"Morning Thalia!" My mom said happily. "Morning mom! Did you sleep well?" I asked her as I put my backpack at the door. "I did thank you for asking. Did you?" She said as she served a plate of eggs with toast on the table. I nodded as I grabbed an apple. Jacob walked downstairs and sat across from me. "Morning mom" he said. "Morning darling" she said back. We ate breakfast and went to school. "Bye mom" Jacob and I said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed. "be good you two" she said. We nodded and got in the car. She waved as we backed out and went to school.
Okay here's this chapter!
I may or may not be posting the new fanfic tomorrow. I'll tell you guys the name since you are all so cool. It's called "I hate you, not" my friend helped me come up with the title and she helped with the cover so you guys should go follow her on Twitter and on Wattpad!
Fan account: @band_sauce
Her Wattpad account :boysinbands42
Also if you want to follow me on Twitter that'd be cool!🙈
Twitter: thalia2019
Hope you enjoyed this chapter even if it was short or a filler😅
Stay humble✌️😜🙈

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