Chapter 6

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As I put down our pennyboards, we saw someone moving in next door. There was a girl with brown hair attempting to pick up a rather big box for her size. I ran to help her carry in the box. "Oh uh thanks" she said quietly. "No problem! I'm Thalia and the boy over there is my brother Jacob" I said. He came over and shook her hand. She shyly shook his hand as Jacob and I said at the same time "Welcome to the neighborhood! Are you guys twins? You look so alike. Oh and my name is Jessica" she said. "Nice to meet you Jessica and yeah we are twins! I'm older than her by 1 minute!" Jacob said laughing. "Well it was nice meeting you guys but I better keep helping my mom unpack. See you guys later!" She said as she began walking towards the large moving truck. "She seems nice" I said as I put my pennyboard on the sidewalk and began to ride. "Yeah I agree. Race you to the corner!" Jacob said as he started riding. I laughed as I went on the side of the road and sped right past him. I stopped at the corner and he pouted "No fair!" Jacob said as he stopped and picked me up. He twirled me around as I giggled like a 5 year old. As he put me down, an elderly couple stopped not too far from us and the lady said "remember when we used to be like that? I remember it like it was yesterday" he said as he kissed her cheek. I smiled as they approached Jacob and I and said "You guys seem so happy. Keep your love forever it's worth it" Jacob smiled as he said "we're twins we're not dating" I smiled as to they said "you two have the most loving brother sister relationship. Keep each other close" the old lady said smiling as they continued their walk.

We rode to the park. It was such a nice day. The sun was shining but it wasn't scorching hot. A nice breeze flowed peacefully making my hair sway around. It's surprising for it to be nice like this in LA. It's always burning hot. I wanted to have some fun today with my brother. We rode on our pennyboards around the park. After a while we got hungry and he asked "Wanna go to In-N-Out? Okay let's go. Do you wanna ride over there or do you wanna go back home and get the car?" I asked. "We can go get the car." He said. We went back and once we got the car we drove to the In-N-Out, we ordered our food and we laughed, ate and talked before we left to go back home. It was about 5:50 when we got back home. Once we entered our house I almost immediately got a call from someone unexpected, My aunt Lauren. I picked up and said
Thalia: "Hi Aunt Lauren! How's it going?

Aunt Lauren: I'm doing fine sweetheart! How are you and Jacob doing in LA?

Thalia: Oh we are doing great thanks!

Aunt Lauren: oh that's splendid. Hey, how about you come visit for a while? Little Thomas and Annie want to see you!

Thalia: Sure let me ask Jacob."

I turned around to Jacob and asked if he wanted to go. "Sure lets go! I miss those little munchkins." He said as he grabbed the keys and we both headed outside.

Thalia:"We'll be there soon Aunt Lauren see you soon!

Aunt Lauren: okay see you soon sweetie"

She hung up as we were already around the corner of the street. We got there in about 40 minutes. I knocked on the door of my Aunts door. As soon as she opened it, she engulfed Jacob and I into a really tight hug. We hugged her back and we went inside. Almost immediately Thomas and Annie jumped off the couch and ran towards us. Thomas came to me and Annie to Jacob. "Hi Thalia!" He chirped as he hugged me tightly. I picked him up and spun him around and his giggles filled my ears with joy. He was only 5 but he was always so cute. As I put him down Annie came to me and hugged me. Annie was 3 and she was such a sweet girl. "Hi Thalia!" She squealed. "Hi honey how are you doing?" I asked. She giggled and said "super happy you're here!" I laughed as I picked her up and ran around with her in my arms. She squealed and giggled and it was so cute. "Come on we are gonna play house!" She said as she dragged me up the stairs. We went into her room and I sat down by her little table. She poured her "tea" into my cup as she clinked the cups together. "Why thank you dear" I said in a British accent. She laughed as she drank her tea. "You know what we should do? We should play hide-n-seek tag with Jacob and Thomas! Come on come on come on!" She squealed as she dragged me outside with Jacob and Thomas. We played for about 30 minutes and then we watched movies, and played board games. It was about 10:30 and as we said bye to the kids Aunt Lauren brought us outside and said, "I know you're parents died and I don't mean to bring it up but I don't know how you guys should keep yourselves alive. You guys are old enough to live alone I think but I'll check up on you guys every once in a while. But for now here's this for you guys to take care of yourselves for the next 2 months." She passed us a check with an almost unexplainable amount of money. She gave us 5,000 dollars. I gasped as I looked up at her. Jacob looked and he covered his mouth as I went to hug Aunt Lauren he hugged her as well so tightly. I felt my eyes well up with tears. She leaned out and said "go on now my little babies." I smiled and wiped my eyes. I hugged her again "see you soon" she said as she waited for us to leave. As the car went on, Aunt Lauren went inside. Once we got back home it was 11:30. I was exhausted and I really wanted to sleep. I said goodnight to my brother as I went upstairs. I changed and immediately fell asleep.
~•~Next day~•~
I was peacefully sleeping until I felt someone hit me in the face with a pillow. I groaned as I opened my eyes only to close them again. The sun was shining so brightly. I opened my eyes slowly and I looked to see who woke me up. Nash decided it was funny to wake me up from my beautiful slumber. He was laughing his ass off so he didn't notice me get up and pounce on his back. He stumbled and almost fell but managed to stay on his feet. He began walking towards the stairs and I jumped off. He looked at me confused and I said " I'm gonna change and put on my glasses I'm like fucking blind right now" he chuckled as he walked down the stairs. I tried to find my way into my room but I slammed into a wall. I huffed as I felt my room door and went in. I wanted to freshen up a bit so I took a quick shower and rinsed my hair. I got out and put on my glasses as I looked for clothes. I put on a grey tribal print shirt with a pair of white shorts. They went down a little bit before my knees. I walked out and saw Nash,Hayes and Jack and Jack and my brother. Nash and Hayes were wrestling I guess and Jack and Jack were just talking. I walked outside and said " I'm going on walk be back soon!" I went outside and I saw Jessica sitting on the grass, looking around. I went to her and said hi. She looked up and smiled. "Hi Thalia! What's up" she said cheerfully. "Oh nothing really I was just gonna go on a walk. Wanna join?" I asked her as she looked up. "Sure! Let me go tell my mom." She got up and ran inside. I waited for her until she walked out and we began our walk.

We laughed and talked about almost everything. I really got to know her better. As we got back, I asked her if she wanted to come inside my house. She nodded shyly as we walked up my driveway. I opened the door and saw complete chaos. Everyone was laughing and screeching. Once they saw Jessica and I they died down a bit. "Guys this is Jessica she's our new neighbor" they all smiled and waved at her. She waved back shyly and I chuckled. We sat at the living room and everyone sort of got quieter. I noticed Jack J was staring at her and I motioned him to come over. He walked over really timidly and I smirked. I let them talk for a while and it looks like they hit it off pretty well. We all went out for lunch and hung out all afternoon before we came back home. "Bye guys thanks for inviting me Thalia! I had so much fun." Jessica said smiling as she got out of the car with us and walked to her house. "Johnson's got a crush" I teased as I laughed. "Shut up Thalia" he said playfully pushing me as he went to his car. I noticed Jack G was really quiet so I tugged on his arm and said "what's wrong? What nothing I'm fine" he said too quickly. I looked at him and he sighed "it's just I was gonna go wake you up this morning but Nash beat me to it" he said as he trailed off. "Aw Jack you wouldn't have wanted to see it. I almost snapped him in half" I said giggling. He chuckled but was still quiet. "Will a hug make wittle Jack happy again?" I said pinching his cheeks. He scrunched his nose and I giggled. He pulled me into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and moved back and forth. He leaned out and I looked into his eyes and got lost in them. I kissed his cheek and he smiled. "I'll see you at school tomorrow." I said as I intertwined our hands together. "Okay I'll see you then" he whispered. He kissed my forehead and began walking to his car. I smiled to myself as I was back inside. I drank a glass of water. I trudged up the stairs. I went into Jacobs room and said goodnight. He hugged me and I went to my room. I changed into my pajamas and instantly fell asleep.

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