Chapter 9

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I was currently at school on a Friday afternoon. Everyone was so energetic and over excited. Jessica ran up to me with her friends and said "Do you wanna go with us to watch a movie tonight? I'd love to but I can't. I have a date tonight." I said "Aww okay. I'll text you later then. Have fun! She said and I smiled while nodding. I was currently in a study hall just doodling like usual. Ashton was in study hall with me and we were basically having a doodle war. He drew one thing and I drew another and we kept like that while laughing a lot until the final bell rang. It was currently 2:30 and I was almost done with the science project with Luke. I went to his house to continue working on the project and we finished around 3:30. "Okay well I'll see you at school on Monday then." I said as I began packing up. "Uh yea sure. Hey Thalia? The guys were wondering maybe you could take us around the city and show us around a bit?" Luke asked. "Oh yea of course! Do you want to go tomorrow? I'm not busy" I said as I stood up. "Yea that sounds good" he said. "I'll come pick you guys up at around 2:00." I said and he nodded. I walked outside and he drove me back to my house.

I walked in and got a text from Jack G.
Jack: I'll be there to pick you up at 5:30
Thalia: Okay where are we going?
Jack: it's a surprise ;)
Thalia: ugh okay, how should I dress?
Jack: anyway you want you look beautiful in anything
Thalia: you're so cheesy it's cute :P I'll see you soon :)

I put my phone down and went to take a shower. I washed my hair and then got out. I went to my room and put on a long shirt while I looked for what to wear. I decided on floral skirt and and black crop top with a pair of black flats and a fedora. I put on the skirt,shirt and so on. I checked the time and it was 4:30. I decided to make loose curls at the ends of my hair and I put a little bit of mascara. I finished by putting on a choker and I put on my glasses and waited downstairs. It was currently 5:00pm and Jacob was downstairs watching tv. "Oooo you look fabulous" he said in a girly voice. I giggled and walked over to him and said "so do you remember Luke and his friends? Yea well they asked me if I would take them around town tomorrow, do you want to come with us?" I asked as I sat in front of him. "I would love to go Thalia but I'm gonna hang out with Matt and Aaron tomorrow. Thanks for offering though!"
"Okay, no problem" I sighed. I know Jack would get jealous so who should I take?
I started watching tv when I got a text from Jack.

Jack G: I'm outside :)
Thalia: okay I'll be there in a sec"

"Okay I'll see you later Jacob! Don't eat all the Oreos or I will end you." I said laughing lightly. He chuckled and said "have fun sissy!" He kissed my forehead and I got up and walked to the door. I closed it behind me and Jack stood there with nervously. He looked up and smile softly and said "wow uh yo-you look beautiful." I blushed and said thank you as he opened the door for me and then jumped in through the driver door. The car roared to life as he backed out the driveway. "Where are we goingggg?" I asked whining. He grinned and said "if I didn't tell you over text, what makes you think I'm gonna tell you now" I huffed and crossed my arms on my chest like a 5 year old. He laughed as he put his hand on my knee. I blushed and looked out the window looking around to see where he was taking me. We got to a restaurant that looked really nice. He parked the car and opened the door for me. We walked in and the waiter took us to a booth and we had ordered and stuff and we told stories about each other while we waited. Once we finished eating and Jack paid and all, he drove around until we stopped at the beach. I took off my shoes and ran to the sand like a little kid.

Jack caught up to me and we ran around like little kids laughing and everything. The sun began setting and we just stood there as the water had a golden color due to the sun. "You are the sweetest girl ever and you're adorable with your little self" Jack said as he started looking at me. I looked down and blushed like I always do. "You're so cute when you blush" he said which made me hide my face because I knew I was blushing even more. He chuckled and looked down at the ground before he looked back up to me. I tried to be funny and leaned to his ear and whispered "tag you're it" as I tapped his shoulder and started running. "I'm gonna get you just wait" he said as I looked back and saw him running. I laughed and continued running. Before I knew what happened he picked me up by my waist and said "I got you" I laughed and said "took you long enough" he chuckled and as he put me down but didn't let go of my waist. He looked at my eyes then quickly glanced at my lips. He leaned closer to the point where I could feel his breath fanning my lips. He finally closed the gap between us and kissed me. Almost instantly butterflies erupted in my stomach. I tangled my hands in his hair and pulled slightly before I leaned out. We stood there for a moment and I couldn't wipe the stupid smile I had on my face. He leaned his forehead on mine and we stood there as the air started getting colder. I shivered and Jack said "let's get you home" I nodded as we began walking back to his car. We got in and began driving back to my house.

I walked inside and didn't see Jacob anywhere. Jack walked inside with me and say on the couch. "I'll be back I'm gonna go change" I said as I ran up the stairs. I walked into my room and put on a hoodie and leggings. I put my hair in a braid and walked downstairs. I sat next to Jack and changed the channel. "Nooooo I was watching that" he whined. I laughed and said "no I want to watch Grey's Anatomy" I said as he pouted like a 5 year old. He went on his phone for a few minutes and I started dozing off to sleep.


Okay so I'm sorry if this chapter is really short.. I've been on writers block. I'll update as fast as I can. :) I'm thinking of updating on Fridays... It'll work
I'm also thinking of making a new fanfic I'll be posting that one soon!
Hope you guys are liking the story so far
Please like/comment/ vote you guys are so cool and thank you so much for 300 reads! I wasn't expecting that :D
I'll double update even if it's a filler and be prepared for so much more stuff happening. This stories gonna get real 😂🙈

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