Chapter 4

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I went to the kitchen and got myself some water sat down on the island. Jack J walked in and said "you ready to make some snacks?" I smiled and nodded as I looked in the drawers to see brownies and lots of popcorn and chips. I took out the brownie mix and the ingredients and made two separate bowls so that Johnson could mix also. I was almost done mixing when Jack J flung brownie batter at me. "You ass!" I said laughing as I picked up the water spray thing and sprayed his face. "Thalia!" He said laughing "Jack!" I said mocking him. He threw an egg at me and I threw flour at him. I picked up an egg and chased him around the house. I snuck up behind him and I was about to smash the egg on his back when he ducked and it hit Jack G. He turned around to me and I started giggling nervously. "Sorry? I didn't mean to hit you. I-" I was cut off by Jack G chasing me. I squealed as I ran around the living room to the kitchen,up the stairs into a closet. I heard footsteps and I saw the foot shadow. Then the door opened and it revealed Jack standing there. I was sitting down and I got up and Jack was smirking. "Come give your best friend a hug Thalia" he said . I was going to hug him but then I saw him lift his arm with and egg in it. He brought his arm down to smash the egg on me but I grabbed his hand. He started laughing and I squeezed his hand harder and the egg cracked in his hand. I laughed as I ran downstairs. I saw Jack J standing there and when he saw me he pointed the water spray at me. I giggled and put my hands up in surrender as I felt someone pick me up. I looked behind me to see Jacob laughing. "Ok the guys are gonna be here in an hour and we haven't even put brownies in the damn oven" I said laughing. "Correction! While you and Gilinsky were running around the house like 5 year olds Jacob and I put them in the oven. There's a good 30 minutes left until they're ready." Jack J sasses at me while pointing his finger up. "Okay so first, can you please put me down Jacob?" I said laughing. He chuckled and put me down. "2nd, how many movies do we have?" I said. " Jacob went to the living room and came back and said, "we have about 10 movies. Okay they're mostly scary movies since Jacob absolutely loves them." I said."okay so Jacob your in charge of changing the movies when they end." I said. "Okay sista" he said ruffling my hair. I scrunched my nose and laughed as I heard someone knock on the door. I ran to open the door to see Matt, Shawn,Cameron,and Nash at the door. "HEEEEEY GURLIE" Matt screeched. I laughed as I waved and they walked in. In less than 20 seconds Nate Sam and Taylor walked in. "Guys where's Jack G?" Johnson asked. Everyone shrugged and I went to look for him. I went upstairs and said "Jack? Jack where are you? We are about to start the movie get your ass out here" I said grinning. I walked into my room and walked around. I was about to leave when I heard rustling come from my closet. I sneaked by and opened the door and he jumped on me. "DAMMIT JACK" I yelled laughing. I tried getting up but he was literally sitting on me and I couldn't get him off. I poked his sides and he jumped and fell off. "Jaaack come on you lazy butt" I said and he chuckled. I walked in front of him and and jumped the last 5 steps. I ran to Shawn and jumped on his back. He stumbled but he managed to catch me. I laughed as I got off and went to the kitchen. The brownies were ready. "JOHNSON" I yelled and he ran in. "Can you get a big plate for the brownies please?" He nodded as I took out the brownies. He helped me put the brownies on the plate and I put them on the table. I took two brownies before the plate was surrounded by teenage boys. "Here Johnson" I said as he tried to get one. "Your the best Thali" he said and I smiled. "Okay so we are about to start watching movies so join us" Jacob said. I went to the living room and sat between Shawn and Jack G. Jacob put "Annabelle" first and I didn't want to watch. I hate scary movies. I brought my knees to my chest and covered my eyes. "Are you scared Thalia?" Jack whispered. Maybe but it's okay I'll live" I said laughing quietly. After the movie ended most of the guys were already asleep. "How the hell can they fall asleep after that movie" I questioned. Jacob,Jack J, Matt and I were still awake so I motioned them to the kitchen and said. "We should startle them. How" Matt asked. "Thalia's has a good bloody murder scream." Jacob chuckled. I looked at the ground and Jack J said "well Matts good at acting so maybe Thalia can let out her famous scream and Matt and can tell the guys shes somewhere inside the house. Then Jacob can unplug the TV so it'll make that annoying noise. So what are you gonna do Jack?" I asked. "I'll hide near you so I can jump out and scare the shit out of whoever gets close enough." He said laughing. "Thalia you will scream after Matt says he was with you and you disappeared." Jacob said. We agreed and Jacob hid behind the TV while Jack and I sprinted up the stairs. I heard the TV make the noise and I heard Matt panting while saying what we told him to say and he was almost done so I screamed then. "Jack cover your ears." I whispered and he nodded as he covered them and I let out my best scream. "GUYS THAT MUST BE HER LOOK FOR HER" Matt screamed and I laughed quietly as Jack and I hid in my closet. I heard footsteps and Jack was prepared to pounce on whoever was the victim. I saw the footsteps shadow as they started walking away. Jack J fell on something which cause a loud noise and the feet came back. The door opened and Jack J pounced on someone with brown hair. It was Shawn. I laughed as Shawn struggled to get up. Jack J was laughing and the rest of the guys were at the entrance of my room. They all just stared as Shawn was on the floor. Jack J finally got up and said "Good job team!" As he high-fived me. "Does anyone have the time?" I ask. Sam looks at his phone and says, "10:00. What do you guys wanna do? I don't know but I'm bored" Nash said. "We can play Lord of the Flies outside" Jack J said. "That sounds fun but how do we play" Shawn asked. "Easy, it's basically like hide and seek tag but you need a stick. There's one person hiding and the rest of the people are supposed to look for the person as soon as they find them, they chase them and poke them with a stick and whoever catches them is it." I said in one breath. "Sounds fun" Matt said. We headed outside and I found a small stick and the guys came back in a circle and Jack G asked, "So, who's it?" Everyone looked at each other then me. " Are you guys saying I should be it? I don't care I'm great at this game so good luck" I said as I put my stick by the door. "Count to 30 then come and look for me" I said as I started running. I knew exactly where to go. We have a really big tree in our backyard and well it's really good to climb up in. The best part is that you can jump from one branch to the roof of the house. I climbed the tree and then I heard them tell in unison, "we're coming!" I stayed up on the tree and sat on the branch that I was going to jump off of. I waited patiently with my phone in hand. I looked at the time and saw that it was 10:15. "How much does it take for them to find me?" I said to myself. I looked down to see Sam and Jack G walking towards the tree I was under. I smirked as they looked around and didn't see anything. I felt like I was falling so I moved a little and my foot slipped. When my foot slipped a piece of bark fell off and landed on Sam's head. He looked up and saw me and I waved. "GUYS I FOUND HER" he screamed. All the guys looked around confused until he pointed up to where I was. "Took you guys long enough" I said laughing. They laughed and Jack J said " You gonna come down monkey" I scrunched my nose and said "no one of you guys are gonna have to get me. Hopefully you know how to climb." I smirked as they all looked at each other and they looked at Matt. Matt started climbing up the tree as soon as he was really close I jumped off and landed on the roof. They look astonished as I laughed and ran on the roof and jumped down on the balcony. I carefully climbed down and I looked behind me to see Jacob Cameron and Shawn chasing me with their sticks. I sprinted as I ran into the backyard and Jack J chased me I ran around the corner and was caught by someone. I looked behind me to see Jack G smiling like an idiot. I laughed and then said "you can put me down now" he put me down and poked me with a stick. We walked back and I checked the time and saw it was 11:30. "Damn Thalia you can run and you're like 50% monkey" Nash said. I mumbled thanks and said, "Jacks it so start running". We counted to 30 and started searching. I was with Johnson and we went around the corner to hear rustling. I turned around to see Jack G standing there. He started running and Johnson and I chased him. Once we were close,Matt shawn and Cameron surrounded him. He turned around but he was poked by Matt. I yawned as I got bored. Jacob looked over and said "Do you guys wanna do something else?" They all shrugged and we walked inside. We decided to watch another movie. We watched 21
and 22 Jump street. After the movies ended it was 4:10am. I opened my eyes a bit and noticed Jacob was laying on my legs and Jack G's head was on my shoulder. I slowly removed their head from me and I went up stairs. I went to my room and fell asleep almost immediately.

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