Fateful meeting

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Hisoka's POV

Back at University again. Last year I got kicked out, because I was portraying "problematic" behavior. In other words the headmaster didn't like me getting into fights just because I wanted to battle against strong opponents and assert my rank. Despite the setback, I luckily got accepted again into the Hunter University. This would be the best opportunity in my life, even if I didn't know it yet when I walked onto the university campus once again.

I wasn't really in a hurry to get to my dorm room, I already knew where it was. Instead of dropping off my luggage, I wondered around to look at all the new faces that were entering this university for the first time. Most people were rather uninteresting and plain boring, looks wise as well as what their potential to be strong felt like. Just when I thought this, a strong Aura practically collided into me and my heart instantly skipped a beat. It took me a second to come back to my senses and I saw the probably most beautiful man I've ever seen in my whole life. His looks were intriguing and his gorgeous Aura even more. I couldn't help but to flirt with him.
"Ah damn sorry, don't know how I couldn't see a cutie like you~" I smirked at the guy with the silky black hair and reached out my hand to help him up. He ignored my hand and got up by himself so I awkwardly retreated my hand and ran it through my wavy red hair.
"It's nothing." The male's voice was cold and didn't show any emotion, but this got me even more interested in him.
"My name is Hiso-" I began to introduce myself, but the boy with the deep black eyes fled the scene and left me hanging. Damn, I guess.. he was embarrassed about falling? I couldn't really tell because of his emotionless face. I sighed and smiled, shaking my head. "Guess I gotta hope I'll see him again.." I muttered to myself.

Despite me wanting to look at the other new faces, my mind was not able to forget the previous encounter so I shrugged and went to my dorm room. I unlocked the door with the key that was in the additional letter that each one of us got and I noticed that my roommate hadn't arrived yet. I put my suitcase down, but then stopped in my tracks. "I should wait for my roommate, so he can decide which side of the room he would like to have before I start pulling out things." As soon as I thought that, I felt a strong Aura in front of the door and the knob was turned. I felt my excitement rise and when I saw the pretty guy with the black eyes and long black hair I could feel my heart jump.
"S-Sorry, wrong room." The other male stuttered and quickly closed the door again as if he had seen something inappropriate. My previous grin had turned into a confused expression and I quickly opened the door again, grabbing his wrist carefully, but firmly. I instantly felt his body tense up as if he was ready to fight.

"H-Hey, what's wrong? Are you sure you got the wrong room? What's your room number?" I tried to make my voice as smooth and soft as possible, so I don't come off as intimidating.
"It's 345." The blackhaired muttered, not looking at me.
"You've found the right room." I assured him.
"I.. I'll go see if I can switch rooms.." he whispered and that actually upset me a bit.
"Why, what's wrong?" I frowned.
".. you're.. irritating.." he bit his lip and I carefully slipped my hand into his, so I wasn't just holding his wrist anymore.
"Hey.. look at me. If this is about our first meeting, I really don't care what happened. You don't have to be embarrassed about it. Sorry if I come off as intimidating or something, I'm actually not that bad.. I think." I smiled awkwardly. "Your Aura is so strong and interesting, I would love to get to know you."
The slender man fumbled nervously with his free hand, finally looking up to me with his big dark eyes.
"Really." I smiled softly and I could finally feel him relax slightly.
"Okay then, I guess." The boy didn't smile, but his eyes seemed to look at me a bit warmer than before. I gently pulled him inside of our dorm room, closed the door and let go off his hand, before it got even more awkward than it already was.
"So.. continuing where I left off, I'm Hisoka, and you are?"
"My name is Illumi." The others voice was soft, but he seemed like he wasn't used to talking to other people.
"That is a really nice name." I complimented him and I think I could see a little blush on his cheeks. I asked him which side he would like and he said he didn't really care so we decided that Illumi would get the right side and I would get the left side of the room. We both opened up our suitcases and started unpacking. I put my clothes into the left side of the closet and Illumi put his in the right side. Fortunately we had our own bathroom and shower so we put our toiletries away as well and I noticed how many skin care products the other male has brought with him. I don't exactly know why, but that made him even cuter. I unpacked my playing cards and he unpacked some needles and other weapons. Yes, this was completely normal. I mean this was the Hunter University where we would learn and train to become Hunters and since everyone had their own specialty, everyone had their own weapons.

Suddenly Illumi seemed quite distressed. "No.. where is it..?" He muttered, searching through the rest of his stuff in his suitcase. "No it can't be.."
"Illumi? Did you forget anything..?" I asked carefully, trying not to stress him out even more.

Writer's Note: Heya, I just couldn't wait to continue so here is chapter 2 ☺
I hope you liked it ❤

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