Illumi's first day at University

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TW: Mentions of Illumis difficult Childhood and possible Anxiety issues

Illumi's POV

Did I chose that I wanted to go to University? No. Did I chose which one? Also no. Will I attend the University, because my parents decided that I will go there? Absolutely. It's not like I have any choice. Since I've been 5 years old I've been trained to be an assassin and to do whatever my parents told me to do. If not, the consequences have always been severe. I would've been punished even worse than the punishment I had to endure during the daily and hour-long training. Little did I know that this choice that my parents made, would lead me to a fateful meeting, where I would meet the love of my life and the reason I could finally feel true happiness.

But let's start at the beginning. I sighed and brushed my long silky hair behind my ear. My suitcase was almost fully packed with clothes, toiletries and assassin weapons, just the normal stuff that one would need at University, you know?  Just because I would go to University, didn't mean that I wouldn't have to go on occasional assassinations so I had to be prepared. The last item I added was my anxiety pillow, which was just a regular pillow that I use to hug something at night, because I often get nightmares from my rather.. traumatic childhood. I stared at it for a second, took a deep breath and closed the suitcase once I exhaled.
"I'm finished." I said and a Maid nodded.
"I'll inform your mother about it. Please wait in the main hall. I will bring your luggage to the escort once your mother has checked it." Yes, my Mother has to control my whole life, so she also has to check my luggage even though I don't own any "forbidden" stuff in the first place. "Forbidden" meaning any items that could make me emotional or that could manipulate my thinking as an assassin and stuff like that.

I went downstairs, waited in the main hall and when the maid carried my suitcase to the escort, I followed her. Saying goodbye into the house with an emotionless face, I spot my mother and one of my younger siblings at the top of the stairs.
"We will send you missions that you have to complete while being at the university."
"Of course. Where is father?" I asked carefully.
"He's training your brother Killua."
"Of course.. he's not going to say goodbye to his oldest son.." I mumbled under my breath.
"Never forget who you are, Illumi Zoldyck. Fulfull our expectations." My mother ended the conversation and I left the house, walking to the car that would escort me to the University.

After about 4 hours, which really didn't feel that long, probably because I took a good 3 hour long nap, we finally arrived at the Hunter University. I got out and the driver handed me my luggage. He said goodbye and drove off. I sighed and walked onto University grounds while searching for the E-Mail on my phone which stated which one my dorm room would be. I suddenly bumped into something, or I should rather say someone, very tall. Eventhough I wasn't really short myself with my 1,85m, I was rather slim so the taller person stood their ground while I fell abruptly onto my rear. I looked up with wide eyes, rather confused and saw a redhaired male with fox like eyes towering in front of me. On his cheeks he had a tear and a star drawn on, which struck me as him being a rather odd looking person. But in comparison to me, with my long black hair and my black roundish eyes that looked more like endless and empty voids or in comparison to any other person here on campus, he wasn't even that odd.
"Ah damn sorry, don't know how I couldn't see a cutie like you~" I heard the other guy say with a weird undertone in his voice as he stretched his hand out to me. I ignored his helpful hand and got up by myself, dusting off my black pants.
"It's nothing." I answered monotonly and grabbed my suitcase.
"My name is Hiso-" began the other, but I was already storming away from him. I tried to suppress a blush, I hated awkward situations like this and I really let my guard down. An assassin shouldn't bump into another person, we are swift and elegant, I should've seen him coming.

In my quick getaway from the tall redhead, I found myself in the main entrance hall. I took a deep breath and, to my luck, spotted a layout plan of the university. I checked the E-Mail on my phone again. My dorm room was apparently in Block H. After checking the layout plan, I left the main entrance hall and headed towards my destination. Remembering the room number from the email, which was  345, I took the stairs to reach the 3rd floor. My void like eyes ignored all of the other students while searching for room 345. Once I arrived I tried to dismiss any nervousness that I felt in my heart. I knew that my roommate was already inside, I could feel his Aura.
My slender hand reached for the door knob and twisted it carefully. As I finally got sight of my new roommate, my heart almost dropped.
"S-Sorry, wrong room." I stuttered quickly and pretty much slammed the door shut.

Writer's Note: Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my HisoIllu story. I've written fanfictions before, but those were in my mother tongue (german) and that was like 5 years ago or something 😅 This is my first English fanfic, so sorry if there are some mistakes or sentences that sound weird. Hope you liked it though ☺ I would really appreciate some love, feedback or tips from you guys ❤

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