Perfect Team

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Illumi's POV

Once we got onto the elevator I could hear the others heartbeat quite clearly so I quietly told him to calm down.
"Huh?" The redhead looked over at me and our gazes met.
"Your heartbeat.. please try to be calm." I squeezed his hand gently to reassure him that he didn't have to worry. When I learned about this type of physical communication, I didn't know when I would need this, but it definitely came in handy now. Hisoka took a deep breath and I could feel him relax as he apologized and interlaced our fingers.
"Don't worry, I was nervous when i went to my first ball too." I smiled slightly, hoping my roommate would get the hint.
"That's not it.. I'm nervous because.." my eyes widened, did Hisoka not get the hint?? I squeezed his hand to stop him, but he continued anyway, "you're such a gorgeous woman and I don't want to embarrass my lady~" It took me a second to realise that he was just playing his role and I couldn't help but to blush a bit.
"I'm sure you won't, love." I was surprised about my own rather flirty answer and the other seemed to be just as baffled as me. I averted my eyes awkwardly and tried to tell myself that we were just playing our characters so our disguises would be perfect. I took a deep breath and focused back on my mission.

The elevator stopped on floor 88 and I gave Hisoka's hand another squeeze, before we stepped out. The whole ballroom was dimly lit with mostly colored mood lighting. It would be quite hard to spot the target within all of those people so I was glad I chose to change my appearance naturally, 3 hours probably wouldn't have been enough.
I guided my roommate to one of the seating groups. Hisoka sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I blushed slightly and leaned down so he could hear me over the loud music.
"What do you think you're doing?" I whispered quietly.
"Blending in~" He mumbled back with a slight smirk, his arm wrapped around my waist and his other hand laid on my thigh. "And this way you sit higher so you can see better~"
I huffed, wrapped one arm loosely around his neck and my other hand played with his tie, adjusting to his action. "Okay.. I guess."
I lifted my gaze and my black orbs scanned the people on the dancefloor for a few minutes. Not too intently so I wouldn't seem suspicious, but detailed enough to spot the target if he was there.
"Hm?" The man underneath me squeezed my hip slightly to get my attention.
"Hm." I answered and shrugged slightly with my shoulders.
"Would you like to dance, babe~?"
"Sure, why not." I got up from his lap, he took my hand and guided me to the dancefloor.

As if it wasn't our first time dancing together, our hands found each other, as well as his other hand my hip and mine his shoulder. We engaged in a slow dance, fitting to the music playing and danced through the crowds. He spun me around and then pulled me close again, which made my heart skip a beat.
"Don't overdo it." I mumbled.
"Might be the only opportunity I get to dance with you, might as well enjoy it~" He smirked, twirled me again and bent me backwards. Just when my head was upside down, I spotted the target. Hisoka pulled me back up and my orbs met his.
"I saw him." I whispered with special emphasis on the word 'him'.
"Where?" He muttered back, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close, my lips brushing against his ear as I whispered:
"Behind me, about 15 meters away, black hair, darkgreen tie, talking to a woman with long blonde hair." 
"I see him. What now?" His arms were wrapped around my waist so we were slow dancing at this point.
"I have a plan. Keep your eye on him at all times. Order a drink, I'll be right back." I ordered before I pulled him to the side and entered the Ladies Restroom.

I locked myself into one of the stalls and grabbed my needles. I put two into the back of neck, which turned my hair blonde and a bit shorter. After that I put a few smaller needles behind my ears and one on each side of my nose which changed my face enough to be mostly unrecognizable. I checked my ring and turned the pearl to the palm of my hand, then I prepared our escape route, before I exited the Restroom again and joined Hisoka.
"Where is the drink?" I whispered quietly.
"H-Here.." He scooted a glass over, staring at me. "Is that really you..?"
"Yes, I'll explain later." I sighed, put my hand over the glass and flicked open my ring, letting the poison drip into the glass. After that I closed my ring again, turned it around and grabbed the glass.
"I'll be back in a few, be ready."
"Okay.. be careful okay?" Hisoka hugged me quickly, swiftly pressing a kiss against my neck.
"Ah- .. I-I will.." I blushed slightly, took a calming breath and made my way towards the target with my most elegant walk.
"Why hello there~" I hummed.
"Good Evening. How do I deserve the pleasure to meet such a beautiful young woman?" The mans voice was deep.
"Oh, thank you so much~ I must say, you caught my eye and I thought it would be nice to invite such a handsome gentleman to a drink~" I smiled in a, for me very unusual, flirty way. "It's my favorite drink, so I hope you like it~" I handed the drink to him and he took it gladly.
"Looks delicious, I'm sure such a gorgeous woman has a great taste not only in men, but also in drinks~" He smirked and I gave him a piece of paper with a fake phone number on it.
"I have to go back to my Boyfriend, before he gets jealous, but if you're ever free, call me~" I winked at him and then made my way back to Hisoka.

I glanced back, he raised his glass towards me with a grin and took a big gulp. Score. I grabbed Hisoka's hand and pulled him into the Ladies Restroom, faintly hearing the man caugh in the distance.
"Time to get out of here." I pulled out my needles so my face and hair turned back to normal. I opened the Window, hooked a metal rope to my corset as well as the others belt.
"Uhm..?? What are you doing??" Hisoka looked slightly panicked.
"You have to trust me."
"O-Okay.." He still looked a bit scared, but I climbed out of the Window onto the small Ledge. Hisoka climbed out as well and I hooked us into the rope connecting the two skyscrapers. It was good, that I had prepared this rope before, otherwise it would've taken way too long. I hugged Hisoka and wrapped my legs around his waist.
"The Rope will easily hold us, just raise your legs and we'll be on our way." He did as I said, hugging me back tightly and when he lifted his legs we traveled over to the other building undetected. We undid the rope, took the elevator to the ground floor and got into the black escort car, which took us back to Uni.

Writers Note: Sorry it took me a few days to write this, but i hope you liked it 💜

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