The Twilight Diaries

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Dedicated to @Elizabeth_Winchester for the prompt. If you haven't already guessed from the title, this prompt involves vamps.

“DEANNA WINCHESTER!” I yell barging into Dean’s room obnoxiously. He grumbles sleepily and to make the situation more fun, I jump on his back and yell his name again.

“Wake up! Wake up! The sky’s awake so I’m awake!” He pushes me off him and gets up groggily. I lay lazily on the oak floor; it was quite comfortable. Dean peeks at me from the bedframe.

"Did you really wake me up with a Frozen quote?" I raised my eyebrows, looking at him in a sarcastic manner.

“What do you think, Deanna?” Everything I said or did, always involved sarcasm. He frowned at me.

“Will you stop calling me that?”

“But it’s our grandmother’s name and it suits you better than Dean.” I grin cheekily at him. He sighs deeply and gets out of bed. Leaving me alone on the floor. Then Cas pops into the room and gives me his usual confused look.

“[Y/N], why are you lying on the floor? Are you hurt?” I laugh, shaking my head at him. I fold my arms and look up at the angel.

“Nah, I was just annoying Dean and he pushed me on to the floor. I’m fine really. The floor is quite comfortable. Care to join me, Cas?” Cas inspects the floor with a hard stare I feel like he could burn a hole through it.

“If you try hard enough Cas, you might just burn a hole through.” I, of course meant this in a sarcastic way but Cas goes on and does. Right next to me at that. I quickly jump up.

“Bloody hell, Cas! Are you trying to kill me?” He looks at me in a confused yet upset manner.

“I was only testing out what you said, [Y/N]. I didn’t mean to startle you.” I shake my head at him, giggling softly. I take his hand in mine and we go out to get breakfast from Sam. Sam always makes the best French toast.

Sam, Cas and I sitting peacefully at the research table eating  French Toast when we hear yelling from Dean’s room. Cas and I exchange a sheepish look. Sam catches us and shoots us a suspicious look. Dean comes out of his room looking really pissed.

“What’s got your knickers in a twist, Deanna?” I put on my best Liverpool accent, just to push my luck. Dean knows I had something to do with the hole in his room and he hates it when I do my Beatles’ impression.

“I know you did this!” He points at me accusingly as he picks up a piece of toast. I bat my eyelashes at him innocently.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Brother.” I pretend to check my nails and I could feel the nerves radiating off Cas. Finally he breaks and tells Dean everything.

“Dean, I did it. I accidentally burnt a hole through the floor.” Cas bites his lip guiltily and I resist the urge to bite it for him. I hide my arousal by slapping Cas on the back playfully.

“Oh Cassie, you don’t have to take the entire blame.” I smirk up at Dean. Dean was seething and I could almost see his vein about to pop. Ah, the best of sibling rivalry. Sam sensed the tension and quickly decided to intervene.

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