Fake Your Death

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Part 2 to Famous Last Words

"Fuck this. Fuck that. Fuck me. Fuck you. Fuck everyone." I cuss walking around what I've been told was my heaven. Moping around, was the better phrase. I've been stuck here for a month and I didn't like it one bit. Yeah sure my family was here, but it wasn't really them. I wasn't really me. I hated it here, I missed my boys.

"Wow, aren't you the sex maniac." from behind me chuckled the only person, remotely entertaining in this hellhole, Gabriel the Archangel. I mean heavenhole. Whatever. Gabe was the only person who treated me like a person, everyone else was too nice it was suspicious.

"I miss them, Gabe. They look more miserable then ever." I tell him. Sometimes I liked to watch over the Winchesters, just to see how they were doing. Today, for some reason they looked more miserable than ever. 

“Well it’s your death anniversary, did you expect them to be dancing?” I could always count on Gabe to be snarky. I shoot him a glare and then stare at him in confusion.

“What do you mean it’s my death anniversary? It’s been barely a month since I’ve been here.”

“You know how a year in hell is a month on Earth? Heaven is similar but one month here is one year on Earth.” He explained simply. I gaped at him.

“You have got to be kidding me? Are you telling me that I’ve been away from about a year?” Gabe comes to my side and nods in a somber manner. I have never seen Gabe be that serious in the entire time I’ve been here.

“I know Heaven’s supposed to be a happy place but I don’t feel so happy here. Not without my boys.”

“Especially your lover.” Gabe teased. That’s the Gabe I knew. I lightly punched him as we went for our daily walk.

“So, I know you’ve met the Winchesters before I joined them. They told me you died and yet you’re well and alive.”

“I tricked everyone into thinking I was gone. I wanted no part in being a part of the drama.” I nodded understandingly.

“But wasn’t there anyone you had to leave behind?” Then he cast his eyes down. Of course he had a special girl he left behind.

“I mostly disappeared to protect her. It broke both of our hearts but it had to be done.” I just give him an incredulous look.

“How could you though? Like I said, I haven’t been here long and I already miss Sam and Dean. If my calculations are right, you’ve been gone for about 4 Earth years now. How do you think your girl feels about having to mourn you? Did you even consider her feelings before leaving?” Gabe stopped me before I could go further.

“I am not going to get lectured by you.”

“All I’m saying is that you had a choice to leave, I didn’t. You need to go back to her. I may not know her but I do know she needs you.” Gabe looked conflicted and I knew my job was done. I give him a small smile.

 “Well I’ll let you mull over it. I’m heading back.” I walked back to my ‘heaven’ and watched over Sam and Dean for the rest of the day.


The boys were sound asleep so I decided to go hijack some of my celebrities’ heavens. Everyone had their own personalized heaven and Gabe taught me how to hijack them. There was really no harm because half the time, I wasn’t bothering anyone unless they noticed me and picked up conversation. So far I had met Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Audrey Hepburn and some more but Shakespeare was my favourite and I visit him regularly.

“Hello, Will.” I say as I enter his heaven.

“Oh [Y/N], how are you?” It took Gabe forever to get him used to our 21st century slang. I liked Shakespeare’s heaven. It was just one long clip of all the play adaptations that have been done about his plays. Sometimes I popped in and watched them, especially if Henry V starring Tom Hiddleston was playing.

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