Famous Last Words

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Dedicated to @createYourspark for the lovely prompt. I’m not going to put the prompt here because it has a major spoiler but just get lots of tissues ready. (This is probably the longest one shot I've ever written)


Dean Winchester and I always had the most complicated relationship of all. I had a huge crush on him but I’m pretty sure he never catch on to all the hints. I had a feeling he liked me back but I never did anything about it. His way of showing his affections was being mean to me. It sucked and sometimes his words stung but I dealt with it.

“Morning.” Dean says as he slaps my bum on the way in to the couch to drink his coffee. I roll my eyes and slap his hand away,

“I swear, Winchester. It’s like you were raised in a barn.”

“I grew up in Kansas, close enough.”  I scoff and move away towards Sammy. Sam was so much more tolerable than Dean, why couldn’t I have fallen for him instead?

“Dean still being a loser to you?” Sam was probably the only person who knew that I had a crush on Dean. Sam called it way before I knew I had a crush on Dean. I nodded miserably.

“As always.”

“You do know that’s his way of saying he likes you. Usually Dean may be upfront with girls but you’re different so he acts like a 5th grader with you. You know, teasing you to get your attention.”

“I highly doubt it, he’s never going to like me.”

“Don’t say that. Just go talk to him okay?”

“Hmm.” I mumble to myself. Like I’m ever going to hold a normal conversation with him; as if he could even have one with me. All he ever does is poke fun at me and I’m sick of it.

“Hey Sammy, Munchkin. I want to go to the diner for breakfast, let’s go.” Dean announced. I hated it when he called me Munchkin, just because I was shorter than these two giants.

“I’m not a Munchkin, Winchester.” I glared at him. He nodded agreeing. I wasn’t taken back, that asshat never agrees with me.

“That’s right you’re not, you are my Munchkin.” I groaned loudly.

“That doesn’t make it better, asshole!” I yell and storm off to the garage where the Impala was. I sat in Baby, playing around with Dean’s mixtapes. He was into classic rock, I was more of a punk rock girl. I rummaged through the glove compartment for my own mixtapes. I pulled out one of my favourites and played it on his stereo. It was relaxing, the feeling of sitting in Baby and listening to music I actually liked.

Then the moment of bliss was cut short thanks to the Winchesters.

“Hey, you know the rule; driver picks the music.” Dean says gruffly from outside the window. I quickly slid into the driver’s seat and stick my tongue out at him.

“I guess I’m driving then.” I smirk as I unlock the doors for the boys. I was expecting Sam to take shotgun but tough luck for me, Dean calls shotgun and sits beside me. I resist the urge to throw a fit. From the rearview mirror, I see Sam shoot me a pitiful look. I just pout back at him. I crank up the volume to the maximum and drive to the nearest diner.

I park Baby and turn to the boys, Dean seemed traumatized at my music choices, well he could go screw himself if he’s going to judge MCR and FOB. Sam looked like he just heard the best thing in life, punk rock does have that effect on people. We get out of the Impala and make out way in the diner. Dean goes in first and smack the door in my face. I turn red in anger but Sam manages to calm me down and holds out the door for me.

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