Gabriel's Date

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You fix his tie which was previously slanted to the side and smooth it out along with the rest of the suit. You then took a step back, examining your handiwork. You gave him a huge grin,

"Perfect, you're all set Gabe." He pulled you into a bear hug and mumbled into your shoulders,

"[Your Full Name], I don't know what I'd do without you." You laughed and pulled back from him.

"You'd survive. Now go. Don't want to keep the special lady waiting." you send a wink his way and practically shoved him out the door. As soon as you heard his wings flap away, you slid down the door, buried your head in your knees and started crying. You had the biggest crush on Gabriel, ever since the two of you became friends but you never had the courage to tell him how you felt in fear of rejection. Knowing that he was probably enjoying himself with that girl made you upset. It's like going to a talent competition and finding out Beyoncé is performing before you; you might as well not compete. Then you got up and went to grab your headphones, your favourite snacks from the pantry and your iPod. You went to your room and did what you always did when you were upset. You laid down on your bedroom floor, plugged your headphones in, blasting sad songs while munching on your snack and sang the songs out loud at the top of your lungs.



DON'T FORGET ME-" You cut yourself off when you felt a shadow looming over you; you opened your eyes to find the archangel staring at you with a confused expression.

"[Y/N], are you alright?" was the first thing he asked when you took off your headphones. You grin sheepishly and nod your head. He gives you a warm smile.

"ALRIGHT THEN I HAVE NEWS. FOR YOU! Brianne and I are getting married now and I want you to be my best maid of honour...kinda like both the best man and maid of honour." He told me excitedly, practically jumping off the walls. Your jaw went slack and you could feel your lip quivering as you felt more upset with each passing moment.

"Wait you're getting married now?? Like a shotgun marriage?? No...I'm not letting you-" Before you could finish what you were about to say, Gabriel zapped the two of you to a small church via angel express. You hated it when he did that without warning because somehow you'd always get some fly stuck in your mouth and your hair would be extra frizzy. This time, however, you were peefectly fine; no frizzy hair and definitely no bugs in your mouth. Instead you were wearing a glistering golden brown dress which matched the colour of Gabe's wings and fell just above your knee. It went very well with your short [Hair Colour] hair.

'This must be the stupid best maid of honour dress.' You thought to yourself bitterly. Then you realised something was very off. There was no sight of Gabriel or Brianne anywhere. You sighed to yourself, deep in thought.

'Even at his own wedding, he manages to make you feel lonely.' you mumble under your breath. You hear fingers snapping and you're back in your apartment with you still in the dress, and Gabe standing in front of you looking perfect in his suit. It all dawned to you. Gabriel knew and he was trying to trick you into admitting your feelings. After that stunt, if he thinks he's getting a confession out of you, he better think twice.

"[Y/N], admit it already." He looked smug. You raised my eyebrows, pretending to be dense.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Gabe." His face fell into a frown which was usually reserved for the Winchesters.

"[Your Nickname], you know what I'm talking about. You loooove me." he sniggered. This is exactly why you didn't want to admit it. He'd laugh it off thinking it as a joke. Everything is a joke to him.

"Don't call me that! Its an annoying nickname amd Gabey I think you're delusional; I do not 'loooove' you." you told him curtly yet you avoided eye contact because everytime you lied your eyes would give you away.

He gently grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up into those beautiful whiskey orbs.

"Hey. You're not a joke to me. Alright? Now would you like to go out on a date with me, Ms. [Your Last Name]?" You resisted for a bit more to see him squirm.

"What did I say about reading my mind?!" You tried to sound angry to put him off but failed. As always, Gabriel was step ahead of you.

"Oh, [Y/N]. Just shut up and kiss me already." he said before pulling me into a kiss.

What a perfect night.

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