Castiel In A Tree

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 Dedicated to @Queen_Siv for the prompt. I am convinced she did this to her own tree.

It was three weeks away from Christmas and the atmosphere was already set in Christmas mood. Sam and Dean Winchester were my adoptive brothers and since I was their ‘little princess’, they didn’t mind helping me with all the decorations and I was kind of surprised Dean didn’t complain too much. All the decorations were up and set up perfectly. Now there was only one more thing left to do. I let the boys rest and disappeared away to my room.

Sitting at the corner of the room was my own personalized tree. I didn’t tell the boys about it because they would probably think I was a creeper. Instead of ornaments, I decorated it with pictures with all my favourite people in the world. If I wasn’t a hunter, I would have probably become a photographer. I had a couple of shots of Sam and Dean, a few of Bobby who was practically a father to me, Ellen and Jo were there too, Garth and Charlie who were my closest friends and I even had a couple of angels on there. I was now rummaging through my photos to find the perfect shot of Cas so that I can put it on top of the tree.

“Where is it?” I kept repeating the sentence as I looked for my favourite shot of Cas. The first time I took a picture of him, he looked so confused to what a camera was and he kept asking questions until I asked him to shut up and smile. He had this look where he tilted his head in confusion yet he gave me an award-winning smile. It was my absolute favourite picture of  Cas and now I was having a meltdown because I couldn’t find the picture. 

“[Y/N], are you looking for this?” Think of the angel and he shall appear. His sudden appearance made me jump. I turned to him sheepishly and saw that he had the picture. 

“OH! Cas, where did you find that? I’ve been looking for it everywhere!”

“Gabriel gave it to me.”

“Of course he did.” Gabe was one of my good friends and he had a knack for playing pranks on me. I am going to kill him.

Why did you want this photograph, [Y/N]?” He asked so meekly, I couldn’t deny him an answer.

“Um…to put it on top of my tree. I have a tree with pictures of all my friends. I know it is creepy and have right to judge-“ Cas cuts me off mid-sentence by inching closer to my tree and inspecting it.

“But [Y/N], it’s beautiful.” I’m caught of guard and start blushing.

“You really think so? Aw thanks, Cas.” .” He passes the picture to me and I stick it on top of the tree.  I step back to look at my handiwork. It was perfect.

“Hey, lovebirds!” Of course Gabe giving Cas the picture wasn’t the only way he was going to ruin Christmas for me. I internally groaned at his presence and turned to him.

“Gabe.” I narrow my eyes at him.

“[Y/N]! My favourite human!” He sends a cheeky smile my way.

“Don’t you have a girlfriend to entertain?”

“Sky’s sick of me too so I decided to visit my favourite brother and his girlfriend.” Cas gets all flustered at the mention of me being his girlfriend.

“Gabriel…[Y/N] isn’t my girlfriend…”

“Gabe, stop teasing Cas. Don’t make me call your girlfriend!” I threaten. Gabe’s girlfriend can be scary enough to scare Gabe if she wants to. Gabe’s eyes widen at the threat and finally backed off. He raised his hands in mock surrender.

“Okay, okay you got me there. I’ll leave you two alone…AFTER YOU ADMIT YOU LOVE MY BROTHER!” He yells as he zaps Cas and Cas shrinks into a pocket-sized angel. I scream, lurge at Gabe and start hitting him.

“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO CAS!? That’s it, I’m calling Sky.” I take out my phone to dial her number. He smirks at me,

“Just admit you love him!” with that Gabriel disappears. I let out a sigh of distress and pick up small Cas from the floor.

“Oh Cas…I’m so sorry.”  

"Its quite alright,[Y/N]” His once deep voice had gone squeaky. I would have laughed if the situation wasn’t my fault.

“What are we going to do?” I put Cas down and bury my head in my hands, feeling really guilty. Cas spoke up again in his squeaky voice,

“[Y/N]…is it true what Gabriel said?”

“Gabe says a lot of shit, please do specify Cas.” That came out a lot more harsh and sarcastic than I intended to. Cas looked hurt and softened my look.

“Sorry, Cas. I’m just really pissed at Gabe.”

“Reasonably but I meant do you habour feelings for me as my brother had mentioned?” I flushed a flaming red and used my hair to hide my face before Cas could catch sight of it. Just as I could say something, my bedroom door burst open and in came Sky, dragging Gabe in by the ear while he was wailing.

“Ow! Woman, that hurts!” Gabe protests as she gives his ear another strong tug before letting go and turning to us, smiling.

“I came here as soon as I found out.” Then she turned back to Gabe, glaring at him, “Don’t you ‘woman’ me! Now, apologise to [Y/N] and turn Cas back to a normal size. Now, Gabriel.” Whenever Sky called Gabe by Gabriel, she meant business. Gabe crossed his arms and looked her straight in the eye.

“No.” Oh shit, bad idea.

“GABRIEL! SO HELP ME YOUR FATHER, I WILL KILL YOU WHEN WE GET BACK HOME IF YOU DON’T CHANGE CAS BACK THIS INSTANT.” Now Gabe was scared. He whimpered as he turned to Cas and zapped him back to normal-size.

“Thanks Gabe, and I was just about to ‘admit my love for Cas’ as you called it. You’re a miracle worker, Sky.” She just smiled at me warmly and Gabe just gave me a rueful expression. With that Gabe and Sky left the room, arguing as always, giving Cas and I the privacy to talk about the unspoken things.

“I do have feelings for you, Cas. Gabe was right about that.” Cas gave me a knowing look.

“You knew all this time, didn’t you! You little shit!” I yelled but I was laughing rather than angry at Cas. He looks relieved. I pull him in close,

“Come here you big doof.” And I plant a sweet kiss on him.

 The perfect Christmas ever.


I decided to make things a little interesting by bringing Gabe and Sky (it's literally a cameo of me) in. I hope you didn't mind. That's all the prompts I've gotten so far but not to worry I'll be posting a Part 2 of one of the prompts I've gotten so far. I think yall know which one it is. That will probably be my last one shot before the ultimate Christmas one shot! Anyways Happy Holidays you lot!




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