My Big Fat Angel Wedding

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'Deep breaths. In, out, in, out.' I told myself to keep calm.

"That's very sexual, isn't it, sweetcheeks?" I could practically hear the smirk from behind me. I turned to him and smile gratefully.

"Gabriel! You don't know how relieved I am that you're here!" I threw my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight.

"Well what kind of best friend would I be if I can't even be on time to walk you down the aisle." he says popping a chocolate in his mouth. Him and his candies. Gabriel was walking me down aisle since I don't really have a family. It was originally supposed to Michael who was the most fatherly but then Luci wanted him to be the best man so I was stuck with Gabe.

"That's not a very nice thing to say, [Y/N]." he sticks his tongue out at me like a child as he reads my thought.

"It's not very nice to read people's thoughts, Gabey." I mimick him.  He takes one of his chocolate and throws it at me.

"Oh trust me, I promise that I would never get in that head ever again after I accidentally  caught a glimpse of you mind-fucking Luci but your thoughts are particularly noisy today." I started giggling, easing my mind for a moment.

"I can't believe you modified my favourite quote by Charles Xavier. Of course my thoughts are noisy! I'm nervous, Gabe. It's my fucking wedding day!" I was more stressed than before because saying it out loud made my wedding day more real than before.

"[Y/N], calm down. Like you said, breathe in, breathe out-" he was interrupted by knocking at the door. He left me half hyperventiliating and went to get the door when Jo Harvelle slipped in. Jo was one of the angels I met when I became friends with the angels. Jo used to be a hunter in her previous life and for an ex-hunter, she was a sweetheart.

"JO!" I squealed excitedly, running to her in my puffy dress. Since the dress was so puffy, I tripped over it and fell on my face. Gabe started laughing and I looked up at him and glared. Jo smacked him on the head and rushed to help me.

"[Y/N], did you really want this dress? Won't it catch on fire or something?" She asked as she pulled me up to my feet. I gave her a little smirk,

"Funny that you mention that. Well I can't say anything but just keep The Hunger Games in mind when I walk down the aisle." Luci and I had one last trick up our sleeves which is why I had to wear this ridiculous dress. There was another knock at the door and Michael popped his head in.

"Joanna! You're cued to go next! [Y/N], whenever you're ready." Jo quickly left. I popped one of Gabe's chocolate in my mouth and touched up on my make up.

"Shall we, sweetcheeks?" Gabe held out his arm for me to hold. I gratefully took his arm and we walked out to the alter. On the way out, one of the demons passed me the bouquet of periwinkles. I wasn't particular fond of flowers but this was probably Luci's idea, I'll admit I liked his taste in flowers.

As the doors opened, a mixture of the wedding march and a death march started playing. I grinned to myself, Luci and I had picked it out.

I held my breath as I saw Luci standing there, looking as breath-taking as ever in his black suit with a light blue tie to match my flowers.

Seeing Luci, I wasn't so nervous anymore. I flashed my biggest smile at him.

"My, don't you look ravishing." Luci's voice echoed in my head.

"Well of course Lucifer's bride needs to look good. Otherwise, what kind of bride would she be?" I thought back to him just as I reached the altar.

"Hi." I say out loud, still smiling at him.

"You ready?" he ask. I nod subtly and with a snap of his fingers, my puffy dress went up in flames just Katniss' did in the movie. The flames then revealed a much simpler dress which fell just below my knees. I preferred this one to the puffy, princess gown. Luci and I smiled satisfied with our plan when we heard everyone gasp and applaud. 

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