Dance Dance Cas

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Dedicted to @Im_a_superhero yet again for the prompt :)

I walk into the room and see Cas watching video on my laptop. I raise an eyebrow and walk towards him. I tap him on the shoulder and he jumps a little.

"Oh Cassie, don't worry its me." I giggle before loosely hanging my arms around Cas' neck from behind him as I look at the video on my laptop.

"What are you watching?" I ask.

"Videos on how to dance. I know you enjoy dancing, [Y/N]. I wanted to learn it for you." My heart did a little leap at the gesture. I got Cas to get up and I laughed a little.

"I appreciate the gesture, Cas but videos aren't going to do you any good. You need to learn from an expert." I tell him as I set one of his hands on my waist and I place one of mine on his shoulder. He looks puzzled.

"Who is the expert, [Y/N]?" I could help but laugh out loud. Cas can be so cute sometimes. 

"Me, silly. Now take my free hand." He grasps my hand lightly and I start showing him the ropes of waltzing and ballroom dancing.

"Now I want you to look at my feet and follow them while counting."

"Okay, [Y/N]." I start counting and telling him where to put his feet.

"Okay Cas, one, two, three, four. Move back and again one, two, three four and move forward. OUCH! My foot...its fine...let's try again." He stepped on my foot harder than I thought. I pull away from Cas and rub it soothingly. He comes forward to help and I brush him off. I stand up straight smiling at him.

"I'm fine, Cas, really. Now let's try that again."

One, two, three and OUCH again.

I insist that I'm fine because I'm determined to make Cas a good dancer. We try a couple more time before both of my feet are practically falling apart from being sore.

"[Y/N], I do not wish to dance anymore.” I furrow my eyebrows at him.

“Why not, Cas? You were great the last time.”

“I hurt you.” He says sadly pointing to my now-red feet. I wave them away and shake my head lightly at Cas. I pull him onto the couch beside me and snuggle close to him.

“Aww, sweetie. That’s nothing compared to the bruises I got when I was younger. Really Cas, I’m fine. See? No blood. If you really don’t want to dance anymore, it’s fine then. We can always just watch your favourite Disney movies.” I tell him, smiling in reassurance. Cas’ face literally lights up at the mention of Disney. I giggle lightly before going over to my shelf to get my collection of Disney movies, Cas loves marathoning Disney movies every now and then.

 We were halfway through Peter Pan, our fourth movie for the night when Sam and Dean came back from their hunt. When they saw us curled up on the couch, Dean thought it would be funny to push me off the couch. He came up behind me and yelled ‘BOO!’ before shoving me off the couch. Then the utter asshat threw a box at Cas.

“Here Cas, we got you the Dance Dance game like you wanted.” I got up and looked from Cas to the video and I burst out laughing. Sam and Dean looked at me worriedly. They asked if I was alright, I just shook my head and continued with my night watching Peter Pan while the boys wondered what was wrong with me. Of course Cas was the only one who got it and giggled softly beside me.

I kiss Cas’ cheek lightly before we returned to Peter Pan.


"Announcement for all my SPN readers. 12 Days of Christmas has started so I'm gonna do that for my imagines books. Send me all sorts of imagines and each day until Xmas; I'll post one (or two depending on my mood) each day and on Christmas itself, I'll post a very Christmas-y imagine. Now I'm gonna tag all the people who have commented on the imagines book so that you know that I see you.

@tay_madi @rockinwolf127 @Thetwerkingangels @Sherlocked_Hunter @EasierToRun @maddiebaby1234 @McManusgirl @dragonsleo2000 @TheFemaleMoose @blitzboy04 @gabesbutt @Fandom_Haven @sammarain @HunterDoctorBlogger @Leslie-Bazile @izzybella_lerman @Its_Just_Jaz @ASCook

@_netflix_is_life_ @officially_kaylee @MandyAngel @SocietyError @alaska_winchester @CastielTheKilljoy @WarpedCloud @DanaDay8 @DeathNoteAsh @SabrielShipsDestiel @hayfiz17 @Thecrowmuse11 @purdys_girl14 @MarvelSuperHeros @defyinggravitygleek @Chaler93 @SPN_LOTR_AND_LOKI @odairry @peddals @superwholock10rocks @Ambermorre @IGRRebelRocker @Shadowhunter_Lily @krscott415
@That-One-Geek @doctorshelby14 @GirlGeek1967 @One_Does_Not_Simply

@laurenholmes9440 @1DNellie @ziggywawa @MidnightsLaughter @Im_a_superhero @trustnoonebutmyself

Holy shit thats alot of people but I'm really happy that so many support my book, its really heart warming." This is in case you didn't see my message board. So yeah this is open to anyone really. Just drop the prompt (make them as Christmas-y as you want) in my inbox and I'll make it my mission to write them all before Christmas. To avoid being massively flooded, you have until the 20th to send me your prompts, after that I won't accept anymore until after Christmas.

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