You Should Go

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Dedicated to @createYourspark for the prompt.

It was a lazy day at the bunker, there were no jobs at the moment and I was bored so I decided to get the boys to go out with me and have fun. I go to the living room interrupting Dean’s snack time and Sam’s Internet time.

“Guys, since we don’t have anything to do, can we go out and do something fun? You know how much I hate being cooped up.” I give them my best puppy dog face and pout for extra effect. They exchange a look before turning back to me.

“We’re good.” They say at the same time. I glare at them, pursing my lips.

“I didn’t ask if you were good, I was asking you to accompany me out.” I whine pulling at Dean’s sleeve.  Dean groans and looks at Sam helplessly,

“Sammy help me out here.” Sam just looks over at us and shrugs at us. He didn’t like getting involved in our ‘couple banters’ as he calls it.

“AWW come on Sam, convince Dean to come out. The three of us can go to a diner or something. I’ll get you pie, Dean!” I used pie as my last resort to get Dean to tag along. Almost immediately Dean’s ears perked up and he turned to look at me excitedly. I rolled my eyes at him, irritated.

“Good to know that you love pie more than your girlfriend.” I kept my tone light but underneath I was upset. Lately, Dean and I have been having the typical couple problems and it was making me anxious. We would just fight over the littlest things and Sam usually intervenes. Like now; he noticed a fight about to break out.

“Alright then, let’s go.” He says, getting up. I look at him gratefully and get up from the arm of the couch as well. Sam goes ahead to the garage first and I stay behind looking at Dean expectantly to get up. He cheekily extends his hand out to me to pull him off the couch. I shake my head at him in amusement before reluctantly pulling him up.

“Thanks babe.” He says, pressing a kiss to my temple and wrapping an arm around my waist. My anger from earlier subsided at the gesture. I smiled at him sweetly and we headed to the garage.

Sam was sitting in shotgun when we got there, he got out to move to the back when Dean stopped him,

“It’s fine, Sammy. [Y/N] can sit at the back.” I nodded with a thin smile. I sat at the back gritting my teeth. Usually I didn’t mind sitting at the back but Sam was offering to let me sit up front and that asshat I call my boyfriend just said I could sit in the back. I have no idea why I felt offended but I did, this set me a grumpy mood for the rest of the day. I rest my head on the window and put on my earpiece and listened to The Beatles, shutting out Dean’s stereo. That’s one place Dean and I differed, he liked classic rock and I liked pop, especially The Beatles but he calls them and I quote ‘[Y/N], they are just a bunch of pretty boys with not so pretty music.’ I gave him a black eye for that comment.

Finally the Impala came to a stop and I looked up. Dean gestured me to get out but Sam was the one who opened the door for me.

“Thanks Sam, it’s nice to know one of you is a gentlemen.” I give Dean the stink eye and we head into the diner when we hear a scream. The three of us exchanged looks before running to the Impala to get our weapons before running to the source of the scream. We came to an alleyway and what I saw was horrifying. It was a little kid, sucking a girl’s brains out. I immediately knew he was a Kitsune. His fox-like eyes were hard to miss. Sam walked towards him, recognizing him.

Almost immediately the kid jumped on him and went right in for the kill. I took out my knife to stab him but as I got closer I saw how young he was and I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t kill a kid. That’s when I heard Dean yelling at him and when he noticed I wasn’t going to make a move, he rushed past me, pushing me to the ground. He pulled the kid off Sam and made a clean stab to the heart. The Kitsune was dead and Sam had fainted. I slowly walked to Sam to help him.

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