2. 3-in-1

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i woke up in a strange bed, looking at an unfamiliar blue wall, plus a pounding headache. oh fuck, i thought. "hey, good morning" gus said from the other side of the bed, his voice still raspy from just waking up. "do you have any advil? or something?" i asked, rubbing my temple. gus passed me a pill bottle from his table and i dumped two pills into my hand. "party a little to hard there eh?" gus asked. i rolled my eyes at him, "i wonder who's fault that is" i said. he was the one buying most of my drinks after all.

"you can stick around till you feel better, if you want" gus offered. i thought for a second, fuck it i was already here. "yeah sure, thanks" i said. i figured i should text addison, considering i hadn't talked to her since saying i arrived at gustav's last night. she was probably worried.

hey i'm all good, staying a gus' a little longer. no need to worry he's taking care of me

alright i'll be at home

love u

love u

"who are you texting, your boyfriend?" gus asked "i obviously don't have a boyfriend" i said, was he stupid or still drunk? "good to know" he said. "can i like shower or something? do you have an extra toothbrush?" i asked, i felt musty as hell. "yeah for sure, and i'll find one for you" gus said. he got a clean towel out of his closet and handed it to me, continuing to rummage for a toothbrush. "ah ha, found one" he said, handing me the still packaged toothbrush. "bathrooms just through that door" he said. i walked from the bed to the bathroom, trying to pull down gus' t shirt i ended up in so my ass wasn't hanging out. i was gonna have quite the walk of shame home in my clubbing dress from last night.

yikes, this man literally only has 3-in-1 and a bar of soap in his shower. what have i gotten myself into? i finished my shower and brushed my teeth, i felt a little better. i tied my wet hair into a messy bun as i had nothing to do my hair with. "gustav whatever your middle and last name is, why do you only have a single bottle of 3-in-1 and a shitty bar of soap in your shower?" i asked, men are an abomination sometimes. "what? gets the job done with less shit" gus said. "unacceptable" i shook my head, i was kind of joking but also not. "sheesh if you're that offended you can take me shopping for different stuff" he said, "is that a challenge?" i asked "if it means i get more time with you, sure" he said.

"well i would love to go right now but i only have my dress from last night and it's currently 11am on a sunday, i don't really think that's a great drug store look" i said. "you can borrow clothes" he said. "oh, sure then" i said, i guess it was the better of the two options. he gave me a pair of sweatpants i had to roll the waistband of like 4 times to fit, and a tshirt that i tied in the front to try and give it some sort of shape. "oh shit, shoes?" i said, realizing stilettos and sweatpants also was not the move. gus opened his closet again, pulling out an old pair of slides "you can probably make these work" he said. "are they ChRistIan DiOr BitCh too?" i asked, mocking his comment from last night. "nah, adidas" he laughed. "oh god i literally looked like i rolled out of the garbage" i said, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. "i think you look great" gus said "stop lying" i told him, i obviously looked like shit. "i'm not, you're just gorgeous, can pull off anything" he told me.

i blushed, smiling at the ground "you can smile at me you know?" gus said, putting his hand on my shoulder. i looked up and couldn't help but smile at him anyways, gus had turned out to be quite the guy so far. "what happened to being all in love with me?" he asked "what?" i asked, confused. "you know, last night you were all like i saw you and i was like i think i just fell in love" he said, trying to jog my memory. "that was just me on a drunk ramble" i said, how could he not tell?

"aw, you don't like me?" he said, pouting. "i do like you" i said, i'd only just met him obviously we weren't in love. "good, because i think i'm gonna make you mine" he said "you make it sound easy" i said, who did he think he was? "ooh, hard to get. i like i challenge" gus said, grabbing my hand. "lets get going then, i give you full permission to alter my shampoo collection to whatever you see fit" gus told me, in a fake serious tone.

gus drove us to the nearest drug store, he followed me around the store while i picked out separate bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, and moisturizer for him. "holy shit that's a lot" he said, looking at the pile of bottles in the basket "it's what i see fit" i told him, using his own words. "alright baby, i trust ya" he said "don't call me that" i said, i'd literally known him for what? a day? "cmon kenny, don't act like you're not into me. you could barely keep your hands off me last night" he said. well, he wasn't wrong. i was that into him, i just didn't wanna seem that easy to get now that i was sober. "shut up" i told him, giving him a playful swat on the arm.

gus paid for his stuff, "you wanna come back to mine again?" he asked me. "i should probably get home and change" i said, i needed better clothes and a real shower. "but those are my clothes, and i still have yours at home?" gus said, seeming concerned he would lose all of his clothes i was wearing. "it's okay, i'll see you again" i said confidently. "will i?" he asked "yep, bye gus" i said, beginning to walk in the opposite direction. we really didn't live too far from each other anyways.


taking a bit of a different approach for this one

how do you feel about gus? about kennedy?

do u prefer books written in 1st person like this or in 3rd person (if u have read praying to the sky or vacancy screams from my bedroom door) ?

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