7. how to fix everything

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"good morning!" gus said happily as i rolled out of bed. "i went and got us coffees" he said, handing me a cup. i looked at the label on it, "almond milk" i said "you remembered?" i asked, surprised he remembered such a small detail i probably only ever mentioned once. "yeah, i did" he said, seeming proud of himself. "thanks" i told him, i guess this makes up for that coffee date we never had. "do you wanna go get some breakfast before the shows?" he asked me. "sure" i shrugged, why not.

i picked out a simple flowy mid thigh length dress for breakfast, it was green with a tiny flower print and short sleeves. "that's cute" gus said, pointing to my dress. "thanks" i smiled. i ended up just having fruit and tea for breakfast, not exactly drooling at the hotel food. gus however, had stacked his plate with just about every option there was. "hungry?" i asked him, "very" he said, his mouth full of food. "close your mouth when you chew" i scolded him. "but you talked to me first" he argued.

gus and i headed back to the concert venue, ready to start for the day.

hey we're heading to the venue now, meet us there?

have a bunch of filming to do today, i'll try to if i can

sure just text me

gus noticed me texting addison, "are you gonna unblock my number anytime soon?" he asked. "oh yeah, forgot about that" i said, scrolling back in my texts to try and find his number. "also addison is busy today, so most likely just us" i informed him. "can't complain about that" he said.

the band came on stage and started their first song. it was refreshing to spend time with gus and just not care. no worries in the world, just the two of us having fun. "can you see okay?" he asked me "meh" i said, the occasional tall person head blocking my view. "here" he said, bending down. i climbed on his shoulders as he instructed "better?" he asked. "very" i said, i could see the whole stage and then some now.

gus kept me up on his shoulders for a surprisingly long time, "you can put me down if you're tired" i told him "nah all good babe" he said. we were having a blast watching the various artists perform. maybe being with gus is something i could get used to. "ayyyyy man what's up?" a guy said approaching gus and i. "tracy! what's up man? i haven't seen you in forever" gus greeted him. oh, that's the tracy that was texting him that one night. "this your girl?" tracy asked pointing to me, "gonna be" gus said. he let me down off his shoulders so we could all talk. "this is kennedy" gus introduced me. "oh shit, like the kennedy?" tracy asked gus, "yeah the same one" gus said. i guess he'd told his friends about me before.

"you really had this motherfucker down bad" tracy told me, "shut up" gus told him. "good y'all are trying it again though. happy for you bro" tracy told gus. "we're still on thin ice" i said, reminding gus before he got overly confident "medium ice?" he asked. "fine" i gave in, "medium ice". i guess we had been having a good time. "ah already making improvements, guess i'm just magic" tracy said. gus laughed and i rolled my eyes at him. "i gotta get going but was good to see ya man, and nice to meet you kennedy" tracy said. we both waved him goodbye.

"that's my friend tracy, he's like my brother" gus told me. "yeah i figured out the friend part pretty quickly" i said, "don't be a smartass" gus said "isn't that what you love about me?" i asked. "and she's back" gus said. i didn't even realize myself slowly slipping back to my old, normal behaviour around him.

gus and i happily hung out together until sunset again. i was leaning most of my body weight on him, exhausted from being on my feet outside all day. without me even asking gus picked me back up and put me on his back "that easier for ya?" he asked. "yeah, thanks" i said, resting my chin on his shoulder. "wanna go back to the hotel?" he asked me. "that'd be good" i said, i was already ready for bed to be honest.

"i'm having fun with you" i told gus, he smiled. "that's good, i'm also having fun with you" he told me. "what do you want to do about tomorrow?" i asked, "what do you mean?" he asked "today was the last day of the festival" i reminded him. "oh shit" he said. "well, let's worry about it tomorrow" he decided.

we arrived back at the hotel, i went through the process of removing glitter from my face once again. "fuck this is annoying" i mumbled, "then don't put it on, you're beautiful no matter what" gus said. i jumped, i didn't realize he was standing in the doorway. "sorry didn't mean to startle you" he said. "it's okay" i told him. gus walked over to me at the vanity and stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "kennedy can i ask you something?" he asked me "of course" i told him.

"i know it's been a very short lived period with mistakes and a large gap in between, but i wanna show you how great i can be. how great we could be. it took you leaving me to realize how important you were to me, but will you be my girlfriend?" gus asked me. i initially looked at him like he was crazy, it seems fast to be asking me that. however, gus was right. at any point between me meeting him in the club and me walking out his door if he would have asked me to be his girlfriend i would have said yes, it is early but there's a chemistry between us nobody could deny. "yeah, i will" i told him. gus turned me around and picked me up, placing me back down on the counter to face him. he placed his lips on mine, kissing me slowly. "i promise i won't make you regret it" he told me.

hehe here we go

chapter question : what's ur current food hyper fixation? mines toast with pb&j

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