21. epilogue

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gus had been moved in for a year now, we'd been dating for about a year and a half. him, addison and i all got along great. gus had fully recovered from his injuries and was living happy and free.

i had recently started working as a photographer around la, doing shoots for musicians, influencers and models alike. id picked up some good camera skills after filming for addison for so long.

addison had launched a full blown youtube career, she had millions of subscribers and was honestly living her best life, i was beyond proud of her. she's so fun and hardworking, she deserves every drop of her success as she's been working towards it for years. she'd also found herself a lover, his name was noah and they were really good together, i liked him.

gus had started pursuing music, he hadn't done much or gotten far with it but he was incredibly talented, i could tell he was going to go places. him and tracy had still not been in contact since that night at the apartment. he'd been nothing but loyal to me and i no longer had any worries about him.

it's crazy you know, meeting your soulmate at the back of a los angeles night club while you're both absolutely plastered. considering i was acting way bolder than sober me would as well. our relationship flourished immediately, being brought to a halt quickly after the first encounter with him and the other girl before we were dating. after i decided to give him a second chance we spent months falling in love and melting our lives and feelings together, creating memories that would last a lifetime and still being a smile to my face today. i was completely broken when gus had cheated on me, i never thought i would take him back nor recover from that. after spending time with gus in the hospital and having him almost die on me twice opened my eyes to how i really felt about him, taking the leap of faith was the best choice i ever made, although he had hurt me gus had mended my broken heart back together and we were happier than ever.

gus and i fall more in love every single day, we had grown completely comfortable with each other. gus and i had mutually taught each other how to love, how to heal and how to be better people. i knew i would marry this boy, one day. i couldn't picture myself with anyone else, gus was perfect. gus taught me how powerful forgiveness was, he let me believe people could change.

gus always said i was his angel on earth, somehow he had managed to stay alive thus far with me by his side even when he was knocking on deaths door on the operating table.

gus was without a doubt my forever person, i loved him with every part of me. it had been one crazy but worthwhile ride to get here, to be in a state of pure bliss in love. it was the most amazing feeling. i still had his chain around my neck, he told me to keep it as a symbol of his love and commitment to me. it was like a promise ring but better because it's christian dior, bitch as gus would say.


that's it it's done!!!!!!! holy shit, thank u for the love on this story i appreciate every single one of u who read, commented and voted <3 y'all mean the world to me

if u liked christian dior check out my other peep books (if u haven't already 😉): praying to the sky, wait right here, and vacancy screams from my bedroom door

does everyone want another book?? i have a variety of lil peep, blackbear and lil xan books in the works for u to choose from, let me know who u prefer / general plot type u prefer

AGAIN, thank u for reading!!! ily


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