6. the remedy for a broken heart

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it had been 6 months since i had last seen or spoken to gus. it turns out the best remedy for a broken heart is to simply just let go and move on. life always goes on. i had moved on, gus doesn't even cross my mind anymore.

addison's youtube channel had blown up, my appearances on her social media and simple association with her had pulled in a little extra money on my end, which was nice. i was living my best life with my best friend in la, what could be better? i felt better than ever.

addison had gotten 2 free promo tickets for a music festival this weekend, we were just getting ready to go now. we both went full out with glittery eye makeup, we both wore matching black and glittery fringe skirts. we both had sparkly and rhinestoned bra-style tops, hers was red and mine was emerald green. we both just wore some beat up vans we didn't care about, as they'd get ruined anyways.

"ready to go?" addison asked, "yeah, let's go" i said, grabbing my duffel bag for the two day adventure. it was only about a 30 minute drive from where we were living. addison drove us there, her suv had enough room for all of our bags in it, plus all of her camera and filming crap. well our filming crap, considering i was her unpaid videographer ninety percent of the time.

we arrived at the venue, which was already pretty packed. addison was getting pulled aside for dan pictures non stop, while i just took most of them. "let's fucking rage" she said "hell yeah" i said. we headed through the crowd of people to stand in front of the stage. there were a few rows of shitty, rickety looking chairs but addison and i chose to stand on the mostly dead grass like most people did.

addison and i enjoyed hours of music, dancing and singing and just having care free fun. the sun had just started to set as the music wrapped up. "i'm just gonna go film a little bit for the vlog, the natural light is gorgeous right now" addison told me. "sure, have fun" i told her. "you'll be good for a few minutes?" she asked "yep" i told her, enjoying the moment.

addison had wandered off to who knows where, the crowd had started to disintegrate as the set came to and end and the artists left stage. as the people gradually faded out a familiar head of blonde hair caught my eye, just metres ahead of where i had been standing the whole time. "no fucking way" i said to myself, which was apparently loud enough he heard. gus' head turned to look at me. "kenny, what are you doing here?" he asked, approaching me. "first, don't call me that. second, addison got free tickets for us as long as she vlogged it. wait why am i even telling you this?" i caught myself speaking to much. "ah still a rambler" he said, "can we please just talk, you never gave me a chance".

"and you're still not getting one" i said, crossing my arms over my chest "please ken, i haven't slept right in months knowing i hurt you. i'm sorry. i don't know what i was thinking, i was stupid. i lost you for nothing and nothing has replaced the feeling you gave me" gus pleaded. "gustav, you hardly knew me" i told him, the whole situation was dramatic. "well the little i knew of you was incredible, so i can only imagine what we could have if you gave me the chance" gus pleaded me.

i stood and thought for a minute. this wasn't a good choice, but i guess you only live once. it's not like i'm not used to being fucked over by him. "fine" i said.  gus' eyes, and whole face lit up. "really?" he asked. "don't make me regret it" i told him. "i promise, i won't" he said. addison began approaching us, she had a very 'what the fuck' look on her face. "look, i don't know what your deal is but back off. i already hate you so don't even try" addison spoke directly to gus. "addi, it's okay. we worked it out" i told her. "you what?" she asked. "i know, it's probably a stupid move but we talked and we're cool again" i told her.

"so who's room is she going back to tonight?" addison asked. her and gus both looked at me, waiting for an answer. i didn't want to jump back into things too fast, but i also can't avoid jumping into things forever. "well, gus" i said, looking at him "let's try this thing again".

"are you sure?" addison asked me, "um, yeah" i said. "i'll be in the room if you change your mind" she told me. it was almost dark now, i was just able to make out addison and gus' faces. "well, should we go?" gus asked. i took a deep breath. "yeah" i said. gus took the first step walking off, i followed him. we didn't talk the whole walk back to the hotel room. "why'd you get a hotel? you live like 20 minutes from here" i finally spoke up to ask him. "i don't know, the experience i guess" he said. i just nodded. "i'm gonna go take this shit off my face, i'm gonna go blind if i get one more glitter in my eye" i said, pointing to my makeup. "sure" he said, sitting back to wait for me.

i returned to the bed area, bare faced and dressed in some nike pros and a t shirt. i sat down on the bed beside him. "kennedy i've thought about you every single day since you walked out that door" gus told me, suddenly. "i've been tearing myself apart for what i did. i only wanted you to be mine, i didn't have feelings for any other girl but you. it all meant nothing, besides what we had" gus continued. "i really liked you gus, i thought there was potential for us. i thought you were different, i'd never met anyone like you. so you have a lot to make up and a lot to catch up for" i told him.

"i'll do it, i'll do it for you kennedy. i will fix everything and we're gonna be great again. i promise we'll be okay, i'll never hurt you again" he told me. "well, i guess we will see" i said. "also, i'm sleeping in the other bed tonight. you aren't getting me back that fast" i told him. "fine with me" he said. "goodnight gustav" i told him, getting into the second bed. "goodnight kenny" he said.

will try and get one more chapter in for u guys, what are u thinking so far?

chapter question: name something u think would push price philip over the edge and kill him? i think he'd just die if he ate one of the old opaque blue scooby snacks from the 2000s

christian dior | lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now