8. home away from home

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it'd been two weeks since gus had officially made me his girlfriend, things were good and gus was certainly proving himself. "can we do something different tonight?" i asked him, i did love spending time with gus but most of our 'dates' included drinking, clubbing, partying or a combination of the three. i wanted to do something special alone with him.

"like what?" he asked. "don't know, something cool" i said, swinging my legs off the edge of the bed. "do you wanna just stay in or what?" he asked "we could" i told him. "you're no help" gus sighed. "decide or we're probably just gonna lay on the couch" he told me. "i have no clue though" i told him. "you asked so obviously there's something you wanted to do" gus said. this was gonna take forever.

"you've got 30 seconds to decide, or i decided that were just laying on the couch with a movie" gus threatened. "uh—" i hesitated "30, 29, 28, 27....." gus started to count. "i'm not a child" i told him, "don't do the counting thing".  "3, 2, 1...oh looks like you're sorry out of luck kenny" gus told me. "fine" i huffed. "don't act all mad, you're the one who couldn't decide" gus said, pulling me out of the corner of his couch.

gus sat me on his lap, embracing me in a hug. "you're really special to me ken, you know that right?" gus asked me. "yeah" i said. "do you wanna order dinner?" gus asked me "can we get sushi?" i asked. "anything you want princess" gus told me. "yay" i smiled.  "your usual?" he asked, "yes please".  gus wiggled out from under me to go call the restaurant.

"wanna come for the drive?" gus asked, grabbing his keys of the counter and swinging them around on his finger. "yeah, can you get me a sweater though?" i asked gus. he disappeared into the bedroom. gus returned and through a random hoodie of his at me. "thanks babe" i said. "let's go then" gus said, waving me out the door.

i got into the car, racing to connect my phone to the bluetooth first so that i could aux. gus and i fought over the screen trying to click our own phones name. "haha i win" i told him when my phone had successfully connected. gus shook his head at me, "at least you're cute".

gus continued driving ahead towards the green light at the next intersection. the bumper of his car had just passed the pedestrian crosswalk lines as another car flew through the red light in the opposite direction. gus slammed on the brakes as hard as he could, the change of force sending us both forwards into the steering wheel and dash. "jesus fucking christ" gus muttered "are you okay baby?" he asked me. "yeah i'm fine, are you?" i asked. "fine, just rattled me a little" he said, continuing to drive forwards towards the sushi place.

home for dinner?

not tonight
boo, you whore

i was gonna us tacos

another night tho pls

i giggled quietly at addison's response. i'd been spending a lot of time with gus lately, i definitely owe her a few girls nights. "here we are" gus said, pulling into the parking lot "just wait here hun i'll be back in five minutes" gus told me, tilting my chin up to kiss me.

i miss u

i've been gone for 1 minute

also can u grab a handful of those tiny fruit candies they always have at the desk

please and thank you

sure thing princess

gus came back out of the restaurant, holding up the white bag with our food in it and then his other hand, which was full of tiny coloured foil wrappers. gus opened the door, dumping the candy into my lap "as requested" he said "thank you" i told him. i put them in my purse so gus could sit the food on my lap as well.

we arrived back home without almost getting in a car crash this time, i took plates out of the cupboards for us and arranged our food on them accordingly. "wait" gus said "what?" i asked, while he dug through his the cupboard under his sink. "i know i've got one somewhere" he mumbled "here" he said, pulling a shitty white candle out, he placed in it the centre of the table, flicking the lighter on that he had in his pocket. "how romantic" i said "i try" gus smiled.

after we had finished eating i helped gus clean up. "to the couch" he pointed. i laughed, i guess he really was tired and excited for a night on the couch. gus waited for me with open arms so i could use him as my personal pillow. "what do you wanna watch?" he asked, "actually" he followed up, taking the remote "i'm gonna pick since you suck at decisions". "hey" i said, pouting. "unsolved mysteries?" he asked, landing on its netflix trailer. "sure" i said.

i laid in gus' arms while he intently watched the show he had chosen. i felt safe here, safe with him. he was like my home away from home. gus was one of the only people i had ever given a second chance to and thank god i did, i could see a future with him. i could see a forever with him, if i was being completely honest. "woah that's freaky" gus said, "oh yeah" i said, acting like i knew what was happening. i hadn't paid much attention to the show while i was distracted thinking about him, and us.

gus held one of my hands, rubbing my hand with his thumb. "i guess staying in can be fun, but only with you" he said. "everything is fun with me" i joked. "guess i'm just gonna have to spend the rest of my life with ya" gus told me "that'd be okay with me" i smiled up at him.


sorry this is such filler i'm having the worst writers block for this story pls give me ideas

chapter question: what's ur fav story of mine? i personally have a really odd personal attachment to praying to the sky , idk why tbh

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