1. shawty fell in love when she saw me in the club

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the music in the club blasted in my ears as i stumbled around the dance floor, the drinks were starting to catch up to me now. "you good kennedy?" my friend, addison asked me. "stellar" i said, i was fun when i was drunk. "alright, take it easy bitch" addison told me. i'd been friends with addison since grade school, she was basically a sister to me.

addison and i shared an apartment together, we had moved to los angeles together 2 years ago. she was chasing her social media influencer dreams and i was just tagging along. it had been a crazy adventure thus far, but i wouldn't change a thing. i mindless

"these shoes are fucking killing me" i said, trying to unbuckle the stilettos, "no, no kenny. club floors are gross we keep our shoes on" addison said, pulling my hand away from my shoe. i just nodded kinda blankly at her, she was right. i continued to dance mindlessly with addison and any other random stranger that joined us.

a stranger caught my attention on the other side of the room, he was tall and had messy blonde hair. all of his visible skin was covered in tattoos. his bright and cheery smile contrasted against his initial 'dark and tattooed' appearance. "i think i just fell in love" i told addison. "you what?" she asked. i was already making my way across the room to go talk to him "kennedy wai-" i heard addison say, but she lost me in the crowd.

"hey" i said to the guy. "hey" he said looking me up and down. "i like your shoes" i said, not really speaking with my brain anymore. "thanks, they're christian dior bitch" he said with a slight giggle, "can i get you a drink..." he asked, pausing realizing he didn't know my name. "kennedy" i said "can i get you a drink kennedy?" he asked. "yeah you can, thanks" i said "you're a fiery one aren't ya?" he asked me "just a little" i laughed. "whatchu drinking baby?" he asked "tom collins" i said, putting my empty glass back on the bar. he handed the bartender some cash for the drink and passed the glass back to me. "thank you" i smiled at the guy.

"i still haven't caught your name" i said, realizing i still didn't know. "gustav" he said "that's a cool name. i like that name" i told him, taking another sip of my drink. "gus is fine though" he followed up. gus ordered himself 3 shots, throwing them all back one after another. "damn" i said, impressed. "better catch up he said" raising an eyebrow at me. "only if you're buying" i bartered. "she'll take another" gus waved over the bartender, handing him more money.

gus and i were both equally intoxicated, dancing without a care in the world. "i like your vibe kennedy" he told me "right back at ya gustavvv" i said "you're like really hot by the way" i told him, oh god my brain really was no longer attached to my mouth "i saw you and i told my friend and i was like bitch i think i just fell in love and i came to talk to you because how could i not" i continued to ramble myself deeper into whatever hole i was digging. "is that so?" gus asked, with a cheeky grin on his face "yeah" i said

gus took the back of my neck, crushing our lips together. he backed us up a few steps, until my back crashed into the wall. i ran my hand through his hair while i kissed him, he held me against the wall with his hip. his other hand started to wander up my leg to the hem of my black dress. "wanna get out of here?" he asked, i could feel him breathing heavily down my neck. "yeah" i said "but wait, i can't leave addison here alone" i said, remembering she was with me "i'll get her an uber home, don't worry about it" gus said. i texted her.

leabjng with gus

he'll get u an uber

so ur not stuck here

ken how wasted are you

who the fuck is gus

where are you?

i stood on my tip toes to look over the crowd, spotting addison. her hot pink dress wasn't hard to miss, she kinda looked like a barbie. i stumbled back through the crowd, guiding gus along with me. "addi" i called, her head turned at the sound of my voice over the music. "fuck there you are" she said "i'm assuming this is the gus you're talking about?" she asked "yeah" i said, "hi" gus said to addison. "i can get myself an uber home, but be safe, and be smart. text me as much as you can please" she told me. "okay bye addi" i said, leaving to the front of the club with gus.

he pulled out his phone to get us an uber, "just be a few minutes now" he said. gus snaked his arm around my waist while we waited , keeping a firm grasp on my side. the uber vehicle arrived, gus helped me into the back seat. he didn't speak much on the drive, his hand wandering around my thigh spoke loud enough.

"thanks man" gus told the driver, helping me out of the car and leading me to the door of his apartment building. it was nice, it seemed big and well cared for. he took us to the elevator and up to his floor. we both kicked off our shoes as soon as we walked in the door. he wasted no time re connecting our lips as if no time had passed, he picked me up and carried me back to his room, placing me gently down on the bed. i pulled a little on the collar of his shirt, he followed and slipped it off over his head. he followed suit on me, unzipping my dress and pulling it off of me. "you're beautiful" gus told me, kissing down my neck and collar bones. my nails dragged along his back, one of his hands was beside my head and the other supported himself against the headboard, leaving his tattooed forearm the main thing in my vision.


first chapter !

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christian dior | lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now