17. her or i

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"i cannot wait to go out and get absolutely hammered" gus said, "i don't think so, you're not doing anything of the sort until you're the picture of health" i told him. "you're lame" he said, "sorry i prefer my boyfriends living" i said.

"tracy's gonna be here any minute stop fucking around" gus told me. "should i like be present or stay in our room or what?" i asked, "umm— you can stay here. if he's getting to wild i'll just kick him out" gus said. i nodded, going to sit on the couch until he arrived. only moments later there was a pounding at the front door, gus letting him in. tracy walked uneasily into the apartment's living room. he looked like a deer in the headlights. "so" gus started, waiting for someone to say something.

"you didn't have to take him back you know" tracy spoke to me first. "i wanted to" i told him. "he hurt you though" tracy said, "i know, but now he's healing me" i don't know why this was his problem. "what are you giving her?" tracy turned to ask gus "what?" gus asked. "like there has to be something in it for her. no way she'd go back to you after you cheated on her. she can do way better and deserves way better" tracy was taking a strip off of gus. "like no we literally just found our way through the dark and we're mending our relationship" gus said.

"tracy we are here to talk about me and you, not kennedy and i" gus tried to redirect his focus. "you treated her like shit man" tracy told him, "were here about us tracy. you and i" gus desperately tried to keep him on topic. "i'm just sharing my thoughts" tracy said. "look man, it's not my fault you're in love with my girlfriend or something but i'd like to try and sort things out with my best friend. maybe you didn't know but i've also been living at the hospital the last month or so, i almost died twice" gus told him. tracy stepped back with a guilty look on his face. "oh shit bro, that's terrifying" tracy said. "yeah" gus said, waiting for a productive conversation.

"i'm also not in love with her, i just know how to treat a woman" tracy said, "well you sure don't seem to know how to treat a best friend" gus snapped. "well it appears you're choosing her over i anyways" tracy decided. "that's not true. if i had to choose though, it would be her. she was there for me when she didn't need to be, no one else was beside me. not even you tracy. i wouldn't be half the man i was without her" gus defended me.

"her or me then, i won't sit here and watch her be with someone she doesn't deserve. you could also break up with her and earn my respect back because she deserves better than you" tracy presented his options. "her" gus said without hesitation. "well, goodbye gus. maybe you can make a better choice in the future" tracy said, already heading for the door.

gus closed the door on his way out. "what's his problem?" i asked, confused by what just went down. "i have absolutely no fucking clue, he's trying to get with you though" gus said the second half confidently. "are you not upset you just lost him?" i asked, kind of surprised by gus' lack of care about what just happened. "no, it was him or you and i'll always pick you without a doubt. how could i be sad when i got rid of an asshole friend to keep my princess?" gus asked me.

"i love you" i told him, " i love you more" he said. "he was acting super weird though, i think i see what you mean by having a thing for me" i told gus, things making sense to me now. "are you okay though?" i asked, considering he did just lose his best friend "yeah babe, i told you it's fine. it's been so long without him now i don't even know the difference" gus said.

"i mean to be fair, if addison started to hit on you i would have done the same thing" i told gus, he laughed. "don't worry babe, i only got eyes for you" he said. "you better"i said, putting a finger on his chest.


sorry this ~short~ i'm running out of ideas lol

chapter question: what's ur favourite movie? mines the departed

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