20. my ex

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unknown number
hi gus

haven't talked in a while

miss you, wanted to catch up

who's this?

unknown number

delete my number

i know it was wrong, but i picked up gus' phone while he was in the bathroom, i knew it wasn't his mom texting him and i was right. i had no idea who layla was but i was overly enthused by her texting him.

gus came back to my room, stopping dead when he saw his phone in my hand. "who's layla, gustav?" i asked in a bitter tone. gus was silent for a second, and took a deep breath. "go ahead" i said, waiting for an answer. he still said nothing, not moving from where he was. "gus you're on thin fucking ice with me already, who the fuck is she. if you're fucking her i am gone gus. gone." i said, my blood absolutely boiling.

"my ex" he said bluntly. "why the fuck is your ex girlfriend texting you that she misses you and wants to hang out?" i interrogated. "i don't know, kennedy. you can literally see right there i'm basically telling her to fuck right off" gus said. he was right, but it still made me uneasy. "block her" i said. gus took his phone back from me.

gus blocked unknown number

"thank you" i said. "kennedy i'm not cheating, you can literally see i wanted nothing to do with it i have no clue why she's texting me" he said. "i know i know, it's just a sensitive topic for us that i'm already on thin ice about. it freaked me out" i said. "i know baby, i'm sorry. i should have told you when it happened i just didn't want to fuck things up with you" gus said. he came to hug me, i reluctantly wrapped my arms back around him. "i'm sorry kenny, i love you. only you" he said.

"it's okay" i said, finally deciding to embrace his hug. i was overreacting, gus did nothing disloyal and happily blocked the number. i just wished he didn't lie to me in the first place. gus held on to me as tightly as he could "i'm not leaving babe" i said. "please never do" he said. "i won't" i told him.

"do you want to go get to know addison a little bit better today?" i asked gus, figuring he should meet his future roommate for more than the 20 minutes they had met so far. "whatever you want babe" he said.

are u home?

for a bit

i was gonna being gus over so you guys can chat a little?


you'll have to be in the vlog though

hahaha sure

"addison is home but we're gonna have to be in her vlog" i laughed. "oh yeah i forgot she did that" gus said. "oh yeah, she's more into it than ever" i told him.

i drove gus and i back to our future place. pulling into my numbered parking space. "here we are" i said. i unlocked the door to let us in. "hey guys! oh here they are now—you guys know kennedy, show em your moves bestie" addison said to her camera, then to me. i did a stupid little dance, it's just a weird little thing we had always done on her channel. "—and this is her boyfriend gus. he's moving in with us soon" she said to her camera, panning it over to gus. "say hey" addison instructed him. "um, hey?" gus said, kind of weirded out. "he's new to this" addison said to the vlog.

addison turned the camera off after her little intro, "hey gus" she said normally. "what's up?" he asked. "just living the dream" addison told him. "i've got some stuff i need you to sign by the way" addison said, grabbing a stack of papers off the coffee table along with a pen. "sign here" addison pointed to a line, "and here, here, here, here, here, and here" addison continued going through the papers. "okay perfect thanks" she said, filing them back in the folder.

"so you're sure you're okay with me moving in here?" gus asked her. "yeah totally, i think it'll be good for kennedy. i'm excited to get to know you better too, i feel like we never properly got to know each other" addison told him. gus breathed a sigh of relief, finally feeling addison's approval. "well, gotta keep our girl happy" gus said, knowing him and addison both loved me and wanted me to be happy.

"you gotta let me have her at least one night a week though" addison said. "deal" gus agreed. "aw look at everyone getting along" i said, "actually though, i'm so happy. i love you guys" i said, pulling both of them into me from each side for a hug.

"if you hurt her i won't hesitate to give you your 30 day notice if you ever hurt her though" addison threatened. "wouldn't dream of it" gus told her. "perfect" she said. "well i've gotta film—i'll catch you guys later" addison said, collecting all of her camera supplies from the table. "see ya" i told her.

"she seems nice, pleasant to live with. right?" gus asked. "i promise it's all gonna be good" i told him, he had no need to worry over anything. he was also basically back to normal after his health issues, being okay to do everything besides heavy lifting or intense exercise. everything was looking up from here. i was moving in with my best friend and boyfriend, gus was recovering and everyone was happier than ever. what could possibly be better than this?


ONE CHAPTER LEFT, may or may not be up tonight. i can't believe this is almost over 😭

chapter question: tell me about one of ur hobbies, i like cooking/baking

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