18. car keys

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gus sat at the kitchen table while i made him breakfast, he was excited like a child waiting for a piece of birthday cake. his feet were tapping happily on the ground and he pushed his utensils around the table. "hurry up i'm hungry" gus whined, "yeah yeah, stop acting like a toddler" i told him.

"ow shit, fuck" gus cursed. i turned around to see what the commotion was about, he had managed to miss his mouth completely and dump a full mug of boiling hot coffee down the front of himself. he peeled his coffee soaked shirt off over his head and chucking it on the ground. "kennedyyyy i burnt myself" gus complained, "dumbass" i muttered under my breath.

i ran a cloth under cold water and handed it to him. it was the first time i'd actually seen the scars littering his chest from whatever they had to do to him at the hospital, he'd done a good job at keeping them hidden. it was upsetting to think he had been in that much pain. gus did the best he could to wipe the coffee off himself and the table.

"i'm gonna go change" he said, leaving for his room. in the meantime the food had finished cooking so i placed the waffles down on his plate and then cleaned up the spilled coffee. "foods ready!" i called to him, "coming" he said, running down the hall.

"your shirt is on inside out" i pointed out, pulling on the tag on the back of his neck. "of course" he said, pulling it off and swapping it. "having quite the day aren't ya?" i asked. "apparently" he said, sitting down to eat. "thank you baby" he told me. "welcome, just happy you're feeling better" i said, leaning over his shoulders from behind him.

"i'm gonna go home for the night" i said, finally deciding to break the news to him. "no way" he said, getting up and wrapping his arms around me as tight as he could. "gus you're gonna crack my ribs" i said, trying to escape his grasp. "you can't leave me though" he said, pouting. "it's only one night love, i'll be back in the morning. addison wants to hang out and i should probably bring some more clothes and stuff over here" i told him.

"fine, but what if i died?" gus asked, "you're not gonna die" i told him. "i could" he said, "stop" i said. "i'll clean up here and then head home but i'll see you again tomorrow" i told him, giving him a quick kiss. gus and i loaded all the dirty dishes into the dishwasher after he was done. "i'm gonna miss you" gus said, hugging me again. "i'll miss you too".

i packed up all of my clothes from gus' that needed to be washed so i could swap them with clean ones. "have you seen my car keys?" i asked gus, "nope" he said, "have you checked your purse?" he asked. "multiple times" i told him. gus turned around to help me look for them. "you think you're sneaky eh?" i asked, noticing a bit of my green lanyard sticking out of his pocket. "huh?" he asked, playing dumb. i pulled the keys out of his pocket, "you haven't seen these car keys? like the ones you have in your pocket?" i asked, holding them out in front of him.

"i have no idea how those got there, wasn't me" gus said. "mhm, definitely a coincidence" i said. "i'm only gonna be gone a night, i'm gonna miss you so much but i'm coming back. i promise" i said, placing my hand on his cheek. "fine, i just don't want you to go" gus said. "i'll be back before you know it" i told him, grabbing my bag and keys.

"bye babe" i said giving gus one last kiss before i left, "see you tomorrow!" i said to him, turning around while i walked away. "bye, love you" he said in a saddened tone. "love you!" i said. i put my bag into my car and started the commute back to addison and i's apartment. "call addison" i told siri while i drove. "calling addison" the robot spoke back to me. it rang a few times and then she picked up, "hey!" she said enthusiastically, "hey, i'm coming home for the night" i told her, "yay" she cheered, "i'm getting us taco bell" she told me "can't wait" i told her. "okay, see you when you get here" she told me. "bye addi" i said and hung up.

i walked back into the apartment, it felt strangely unfamiliar considering i had been living there for almost three years. addison came running out of the hall "i missed you! i'm so excited!" she exclaimed. "do you wanna go get food now?" she asked me. "sure" i said. we got in her car to find the nearest taco bell, "how's gus doing?" she asked, "he's getting better, still can't be doing anything super high impact or straining but he's definitely getting better, hopefully he should be good as new in a few weeks" i explained gus' state to her. "ken, i'm sorry for being a dick about you guys before. it may have been a bit of a questionable choice on your part but you know what, as long as you're happy i'm happy for you" addison said.

"thank you, it means a lot to hear that from you" i said, finally having earned my best friends approval. "so are you moving in with him soon or should i be finding a third roommate to fill the void when you're gone?" she asked, i laughed. "i don't know yet, maybe he could move in with us. then we both get the best of both worlds" i suggested. "you know what, as long as he pays his rent that's not a bad idea. i could get behind that" addison said, surprising me. i didn't think she'd actually agree.

"well i'll talk to him about it" i told her, "sounds good, i'll need a choice soon so i can change the paperwork if he wants to move in first of the month next month" addison said. "alrighty miss landlord", i laughed at her. living with my best friend and my boyfriend, this could be a complete disaster or a dream come true.

i'll update again later today xoxoxo

chapter question: what's something from ur childhood u still like/still obsessed with?

literally pokemon.  i got the stuffed animals and watch the show daily also add me on pokémon go lmao

christian dior | lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now