19. two weeks

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"gus i'm back!" i called to him, entering his apartment. he didn't answer. "gus?" i called, walking towards his bedroom. gus was completely passed out in bed, snoring quietly. of course he was still asleep even though it was noon. i chose not to wake him, he needed sleep to heal. i put my new clothes away in gus' closet, tidying up a little bit while he slept.

"kenny?" gus asked, his voice still raspy from literally just waking up. "hi, i told you i'd be back" i said to gus. "you were gone too long" he complained. "it wasn't even a full 24 hours" i told him, "don't care" he said. he rolled over in bed to gave me, pushing his hair back out of his face.

"also, what did i tell you about wearing your shoes through the apartment gustav, i left for one night and i managed to sweep half the sahara dessert off the floor" i said, irritated by the awful habit of his. "whoops, i just went for a walk. didn't think they got too dirty" he defended himself. i shook my head at him.

"i've got a proposition for you, if you're interested" i addressed gus, ready to ask him about addison's offer. "and what might that be?" he asked, seemingly intrigued. "i was talking to addison last night, and we thought all 3 of us would get the best of both worlds if you gave up your lease here and just moved in with us and you could split rent with me, so it'd be cheaper for everyone." i had explained the plan addison and i came up with to him. gus looked at me like i'd grown a second head. "move in with you...and addison?" he asked. "yes that's what i just explained" i said, duh. "doesn't addison want to like kill me and harvest my organs for the black market after the whole...situation?" he asked. "i talked to her last night, she's fine now. she's happy for us, as long as i'm happy she's happy" i told him, i really wanted him to agree to this.

"first of the month, you could come move in" i told him. "why's this a good idea?" he asked, "well we get to be together all the time, i can still see addison from time to time, rent is cheaper for everyone and our place is bigger than this" i told gus all of the pros. "why are you so hesitant? are you bringing other girls over when i'm not here or something" i asked, suspicious of his hesitation. "no, no. babe i want to move in with you, i'd love it. i just don't really know addison, like at all." he said. "well you can get to know her, we're pretty similar and you like me so i'm sure you'll get along" i told him.

"fuck it, if it means being with you all the time i don't care who i have to live with" gus decided, "so you're gonna do it?" i asked, excitedly. he paused for a second, "yes" he said, finalizing his choice. "yay!" i clapped, launching myself into his arms. "i'm so excited" i said, "i think this will be good for us" gus said "me too" i said.

he agreed, he'll move in the first of the month!!!!

great news
i'll change the lease

i' m super hyped. i think it'll be good for all of us

you still have to hang out with me too btw;) not only him

i know i know
we just had quite the rollercoaster so now that things are settled i'll be more free

it's okay, i know you really love him

that i do

"how long do i have to move my shit out of here?" gus asked, "two weeks" i told him. "i can't wait to live with you" he mumbled into my neck while he hugged me. "me too" i said. however, i'm not sure gus knew what he was getting himself into by moving in with two girls who also happened to be best friends. it may be a bit of a culture shock for him.

"you may want to work on your cleanliness though babe, addi will actually hurt you if you leave towels on the bathroom floor, wear shoes in the house or forget to close the fridge door when you're done in it" i warned him. "oh dear" he said, sounding concerned. "please don't change your mind i promise it'll be actually fun" i said. "i guess we'll see" he said.

"do i have to bring furniture or anything?" he asked, "well i'm assuming you're wanting to share my room with me. so, no. we have furniture you just have to bring all of your clothes and some food and stuff" i told him. "this is gonna be so good" gus said.

gus' phone dinged a few times in a row, "what's that?" i asked, just out of curiosity. gus picked up his phone, his eyes widened a little looking at the screen "oh just my mom checking in" he told me, shoving his phone back down in his pocket. "oh, okay" i said, deciding not to dig even though it seemed a little off.

"love you kenny" gus said suddenly, "love you too" i reciprocated, gus seemed off now as if he was anxious and frantic. however, he was good at covering it up especially if you didn't know him well.


i find it so funny i write these fanfics i'm literally the least romantic person ever i dap my bf up more than i kiss him and we already agreed our first dance at the wedding is gonna be to no hands by wocka flocka flame

chapter question: matching socks or mismatched socks? i usually keep mine matching

christian dior | lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now