Chapter 3

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"Why was she hired?" Xiaojun heard Hendery ask Lucas. "Do we really need someone that specializes in battle strategies when we're all naturally modified to win anyways."

"When you put it like that, no." Lucas simply replied, continuing to go through the training circuits with them.

"So why?" Hendery asked and Xiaojun noticed that Lucas put his hands down to his side, no longer holding the padding up for the cyborg.

"Because even though you're all modified to be perfect, there can be errors in the system." Lucas said, his eyes dark and face serious. "Your system can break down at any time and you human side can kick in. If you don't training your human side to be able to fight as well as your modified side, you'll end up losing the game."

Hendery was silent but Lucas continued, as if to prove a point.

"And no one here wants to lose a game."

Xiaojun threw his punch a little harder than intended, sending his partner flying to the other side of the mat, landing on his behind. Xiaojun was suprised when he noticed a pair of feet right by where his partner landed, the girl helping the other cyborg up.

Xiaojun felt Chunhua's eyes on him as his partner got back up on their feet. "What?"

"Aren't you going to apologize?" Chunhua asked as the cyborg went to go pick up the pads that were dropped.

"Why should I?" Xiaojun said, crossing his arms. "I did nothing wrong."

"That probably hurt though." Chunhua said, the other cyborg too far to hear her words. "Don't you have a bit of sympathy?"

"Nope." Xiaojun replied, noticing Lucas approaching the two. "Programmed not to."

"Chunhua, you're back." Lucas said, stopping their conversation from continuing. "Can I help you?"

"I just wanted to observe." Chunhua replied, her eyes on Xiaojun for a split second too long before turning back to Lucas. "If that's alright with you."

"Of course." Lucas said, giving Chunhua a small smile. "Let me show you to the observation area where you can get a better glimpse."

"Thanks." Chunhua said, leaving the mats with Lucas just as Xiaojun's partner returned.

Xiaojun couldn't help but think about the look Chunhua had given him, a look he had never seen before from any of opponents or his traininers. It was like she pitied him, but not in the sadistic look he normally gave his opponents.

It was like she genuinely felt bad for him. And despite everything that Intelligence had programmed into him, Xiaojun couldn't understand why she would ever feel that way towards him.


"Don't mind Xiaojun." Lucas said as him and Chunhua made their way out of the training area. "He's just-"

"Programmed to not have emotions." Chunhua said, finishing the sentence for him. "I know. I came back after reading their profiles."

Lucas seemed like he was at a loss for words as he ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back. "Yeah, so if he comes off as a little aggressive, just don't think about it too much. It's just the way he is."

Sure, Chunhua thought but she wanted to leave a good impression on her first day of work so she plastered a smile on her face. "I get it, don't worry."

Lucas nodded his head, satisfied. "I'll get one of the other workers to show you the observation deck where you can see the remainder of the training session then."

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