Chapter 2

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Alpha Team?

As if her cousin was reading her thoughts, Ten let out a deep sigh as they sat on the train that would take them to the battle cyborg facility, a large dome near the outskrits of Central. "Battle cyborgs are divided into three teams. Alpha, Beta, and Omega."

"Ten." Yangyang said softly, giving Ten a poke. Chunhua watched as Yangyang glanced at the cyborgs around them, all staring blankly into space.

Ten waved his hand. "They already know what I'm about to say. Plus, you need special permission to be on this train."

Chunhua had noticed how empty the train was and noted the various security measures taken before she got on as well. Scanning her bracelet was pretty normal on all the other trains, but doing a full body and eye scan as well... that was a sign that this train was going somewhere top secret.

"So the three teams." Chunhua said, bringing them back to the topic at hand. "Alpha, Beta, and Omega?"

Ten nodded his head. "Omega is the training team for younger cyborgs while Beta is for the second-in-line battle cyborgs."

"Alpha is the big one though." Yangyang chimed in. "The battle cyborgs on that team are amazing, all bets are always placed on them."

"That's right." Ten said, agreeing with him. "And you have the great honour of working with them."

"I see." Chunhua mumbled, recalling the last few Cyborg Games she had witness. She recalled the names of the cyborgs Intelligence had sent before shivering at the thought.

The Alpha Team cyborgs were good, very good. While watching them battle, Chunhua didn't really have much to say. She wondered how she could possibly be any help to them, as those cyborgs were already sculpted to perfection.

"We're here." Ten said, breaking Chunhua out of her thoughts. She looked up to see the train pulling into the training facility's station, someone already standing at the doors, waiting for her.

A smile appeared on Ten's face at the sight of the male, Chunhua and Yangyang quickly following him off the train. "Chunhua, this is Lucas. He's the Head Trainer and leader of Alpha Team."

"It's nice to meet you." Lucas said, sticking his hand out. Chunhua hesistated before shaking it, sensing something off.

When she heard the slight hum of something within Lucas, she realized what it was.

He's a cyborg... at least he was supposed to be one.

On the exterior, Lucas seemed like a perfectly normal human being but when you got close, you could tell that there were mechanical parts within him.

Was he a failed experiment? Chunhua wondered just as she noticed Ten and Yangyang heading back to the train.

"Good luck and your first day." Yangyang said, giving Chunhua a wave. Ten nodded, the group exchanging goodbyes before separating.

"So." Lucas said as he brought Chunhua into the training facility. "Battle strategies, huh?"

"Yep, that's my specialty." Chunhua answered. "Why? Nervous?"

"Not at all." Lucas said as they walked down the halls, their footsteps echoing. "I specialize in more of the physical aspect of training. I think your lessons would be good for the team."

Chunhua smiled as Lucas stopped at two double doors, turning towards her.

"Well, this is the training facility. Today, you can analyze the members of our team and starting tomorrow, we schedule you in for training lessons." Lucas said, grinning for ear to ear.

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