Chapter 5

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Something's wrong, Xiaojun thought as he punched his robot fighting partner with all his might, but with its physical modications, it only moved to the edge of the mat. They chose Hendery over me?

Hendery was clearly just as suprised, giving Xiaojun a look once Lucas made the annoucement. They didn't have much time to react though, as training began soon after.

Why would they ever choose Hendery? Xiaojun wondered as he let his robot move towards him before giving it another punch. I mean, he's strong and all but he fought a few weeks ago.

"Very good strength." Lucas said, nodding his head as he walked by. "Flawless technique as well."

Then why didn't you pick me? Xiaojun wanted to scream but insted he kept it in.

You can't feel anything, which means you can't be angry, Xioajun reminded himself as Lucas walked his way, taking down the notes on Xiaojun's progress.

But on the inside, Xiaojun wanted to know who in Intelligence was stopping him from fighting in the games.


He's angry, Chunhua thought as she watched Xiaojun punch the robot again and again, as if it were a cycle. That was all the cyborg would do though, no other fighting techniques used.

This only confirmed Chunhua's prediction about him.

While looking at the files, Chunhua had noted that Xiaojun hadn't fought in a while, meaning that his time would be coming up soon. His profile still intrigued her though, so when the idea popped in her head, she knew she had to take a chance.

Lucas has seemed taken aback when Chunhua asked that Xiaojun take another week off, clearly intending on Xiaojun fighting this week. Chunhua has made an excuse, saying that Xiaojun would probably be much stronger after her training, and suprisingly, Lucas took her advice.

Or maybe he's just trying to test how good I really am, Chunhua thought as she watched Lucas dismiss the cyborgs for a lunch break. She decided to leave the obervation deck as well, heading to the cafeteria to obseve Xiaojun's behaviour from afar.

Sure enough, when she arrived, Xiaojun was aggressively stabbing his food with his fork, chewing with emptiness in his eyes.

I knew it. Chunhua tried not to smile as she lined up for food. He does have emotions, I'm sure of it.


Xiaojun tried not to roll his eyes as Lucas introduced Chunhua, who would be teaching their afternoon lesson. The girl was no longer wearing her usual buisness dress, wearing a white battle suit that was the similar to Lucas's and the other trainers.

"Thank you for the introduction." Chunhua said as Lucas stepped out, giving Chunhua the floor. "I feel that I should explain why my work is so important, despite all the modifications within you that make fighting an instinct."

Xiaojun heard Hendery scoff and tried not to let out a big sigh, crossing his arms over his chest.

Chunhua was definitely not someone that would be easy to boss around, walking around like an authoritative figure. She might be smaller than all the members of Alpha Team, but the way she presented herself was different.

Chunhua was full of confidence, like she knew exactly what she was talking about. And considering the company she was working for and the position she had, she probably did.

"When you train, you train for your human sides, not your mechanical ones." Chunhua said, walking around the group as she focused on each on of the cyborgs. "You train so that your muscles become stronger, making it easier to defeat your opponent."

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